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Subject: "Lifting Suitcase Through Window"     Previous Topic | Next Topic
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Conferences Ramsey evidence Topic #74
Reading Topic #74
unregistered user
May-13-03, 01:18 PM (EST)
"Lifting Suitcase Through Window"
   If a person is alone inside the home and trying to lift the suitcase through the window well and through the grate, then it seems to me it would be very difficult. If you were to put the suitcase on the ledge first, then you could not get onto the ledge with it. If you were to get up onto the ledge and then try to lift the suitcase from the floor then you would have a problem when you got the suitcase near you because the ledge is small. Actually it could be impossible. However, if there were two people, one inside and one outside, it might be possible. What are the actual dimensions of the well?

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Lifting Suitcase Through Window [View All], Mikie , 01:18 PM, May-13-03, (0)  
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unregistered user
May-13-03, 04:07 PM (EST)
1. "RE: Lifting Suitcase Through Window"
In response to message #0
   I can't fathom lifting someone inside a suitcase and then becoming frustrated in the mechanics of it to such a degree that the crime of kidnapping is abandoned and a brutal and very protracted murder is substituted for it.

I do know that a very experienced and honorable homicide investigator has a different opinion on this matter, but it still seems absurd to me.

Now I don't know what that suitcase weighed and as that commuter plane pilot found out the actual weight of a suitcase and a person can make a very big difference but I sure don't think it would be difficult to accomplish and you could always tape her mouth shut and shove her into the window well and then the suitcase...and put her inside it later. That way, you could go lugging a suitcase along the alley and not be lugging a six year old girl.

However, I see no real added weight or dimensional problems. The suitcase was a 'step' and I don't think it was anything more than a 'step'. If he had wanted to wait around for rigor mortis to set in, he would not have hesitated to have used JonBenet as a step.

Going to a waiting vehicle you don't need the victim in a suitcase. If you have no vehicle then you probably have no destination to take the victim anyway, so what do need to stuff her in the suitcase for?

I understand that JonBenet weighed 65pounds. So suitcase plus JonBenet would be 75 pounds. No big weight difference and certainly not a problem for someone capable of delivering that massive blow.

Dimensions of the window versus the suitcase? If a squatting Lou Smit can make it through that window, so could the suitcase.

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unregistered user
May-13-03, 04:33 PM (EST)
2. "RE: Lifting Suitcase Through Window"
In response to message #1
   LAST EDITED ON May-13-03 AT 04:34 PM (EST)
The point is that it would be difficult to LIFT THE SUITCASE THROUGH THE WINDOW. Of course it will fit if you are not ON THE LEDGE. The problem is that you cannot do it without first going through the window, then hoisting it with a rope, or having two people one at the top and one at the bottom.

I think she was dead before being put into the suitcase and the idea was to remove the body from the scene, but that failed, so the wine room was the second choice.

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unregistered user
May-13-03, 06:00 PM (EST)
3. "RE: Lifting Suitcase Through Window"
In response to message #2
   Might I ask a question here? Why is it believed by some that the killer attempted to put JonBenet into the suitcase?


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Charter Member
1906 posts
May-13-03, 06:02 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Lifting Suitcase Through Window"
In response to message #3
   Some of her hairs were found amongst the innards.

The benefit of taking the body from the home would be substantial. Then it would have been an "unsolved kidnapping" instead of an "unsolved homicide".

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unregistered user
May-13-03, 06:15 PM (EST)
5. "Removal Service"
In response to message #4
   >Some of her hairs were found amongst the innards.
Not quite... I think you have to add the word 'consistent' and I think it is 'fibers' not hairs. Not sure though. Could you check on this? ALSO, there might be a temporal aspect to this, I don't know.

>The benefit of taking the body from the home would be substantial.
ONLY if the dna obtained from the corpse was likely to be matched to a suspect. If "SickPuppy" flew in from Germany a week earlier, selected the Ramseys by sticking a pin in the phone book and doing some research at the local library and then flew back to Germany, the removal of the body would have gained him nothing at all. Removal of the 'potential dna evidence' only helps a person who will be 'on the radar' for some reason.

There are obvious risks to removing the corpse. Ever get a speeding ticket or skid on some ice in the wee hours of the morning. If he had left Boulder, the police officer involved might have expressed a little curiosity. Inside the Boulder city limits, I don't know what the cop would have done.

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unregistered user
May-13-03, 06:21 PM (EST)
6. "RE: Mikie or Jameson"
In response to message #5
   What happened to some of the threads that are now missing?

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Charter Member
1906 posts
May-13-03, 06:53 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Mikie or Jameson"
In response to message #6
   >What happened to some of the threads that are now missing?
I have no idea.

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Member since Nov-29-02
454 posts
May-13-03, 06:26 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Removal Service"
In response to message #5
   If it makes any difference at all JonBenet weighed only 45 pounds and it was fibers from the items that were in the suitcase (duvet and pillow sham) that are believed to be consistent with fibers found on JonBenet (not hairs). There may be more to that, however, as Lou seems quite convinced an attempt was made to place her in the suitcase.

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Charter Member
10561 posts
May-13-03, 07:18 PM (EST)
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9. "the window well"
In response to message #7
   The window well isn't very small- - I went through easily - so did many others.

But it isn't huge. To get something else up at the same time would be impossible.

You might be able to get the suitcase into the window well, but it seems to me impossible to get it out to the ground level or to crawl past it. You could get inthe window well first but then there would be no room for the suitcase (assuming you could reach it - - the floor isn't that close.)

On missing threads... JK archived a bunch of threads. Cleaned up a bit and will do so more as time goes on.

I am posting less. I am going to depend more on the moderators now.

When I started to follow the case, I saw that someone needed to be the voice of balance and reason. I led that fight. Now I do not stand alone - the Ramseys have many supporters now. My voice was strong when it needed to be - now I am part of a chorus, the song will be heard whether I am singing at that moment or not. The forums are here, our voices are heard.

I published many documents, I made sure the truth got in newspapers, books, TV programs.... I think that was important and I am glad the Internet is - our pages are - still is a source for the truth. If more documents come to me, I will see they are published.

Donald Foster was going to be a false witness against Patsy Ramsey. I was unaware of the letter he had written to Patsy proclaiming her innocence, I believed I was the only one who could expose him as a charlatan and I have no regrets about stepping forward to do that.

We fought for the case to be removed from the BPD and given to a new set of investigators. I was thrilled to see that happen and have total confidence in the new group.

All I can see left to do is to wait for those folks to solve it.

I will be around, but not going to fight the BORG daily any longer - -their lies are the same, no need to keep bickering with them, the truth is on this forum and people will find it.

I want to maintain a forum of truth for those who want to be here. It will be here through the end of the year - - and then it is up tot he members what happens next.

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the anti-k
unregistered user
May-13-03, 09:07 PM (EST)
10. "RE: the window well"
In response to message #9
   There needs to be clarification of the suitcase evidence as regards fibers and hairs. Can anyone help out with this?

Is lou smit, “quite convinced an attempt was made to place her in the suitcase.” Or does he just suggest it as a possibility? Is it just an idea or a conviction?

off topic – but, not really:
I’ve often considered writing a fictional piece based on this crime using case evidence and the crime scene, etc and offering the killers motive as well as describing what happened in the house, a fictional account and nothing more than that. In this imagined tale the killer does not use the basement window as an entrance or an exit. Sometime before the night of the crime (or earlier in the day) he deposits a duffle bag or some such thing under the grate at the basement window. Inside are the note pad, confiscated on an earlier occasion, and the note already written and the cord and the tape and whatever else he thought he was going to need. On the night of the crime he’s just some guy walking down the street empty-handed, maybe empty pockets, too. so, he enters the house the same way he leaves, through the butler door, and he goes directly to the basement. He uses the suitcase to reach through the window into the space beneath the grate and retrieves his bag of tricks, disturbing the dust on the sill or ledge, dragging debris into the house. On his way back upstairs he leaves some kind of light source behind him and the door open so that he won’t be obstructed or hindered in any way when he returns with the child.

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Charter Member
1018 posts
May-14-03, 02:03 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: Removal Service"
In response to message #5
   >Removal of the 'potential dna evidence' only helps a person who will
>be 'on the radar' for some reason.
I mean ofcourse removal of the dna evidence by removing the corpse from the home. This protects only someone who would eventually be focused on by investigators and it also would protect anyone who knew that his dna was already in a database somewhere.

>There are obvious risks to removing the corpse. Ever get a
>speeding ticket or skid on some ice in the wee hours of the
>morning. If he had left Boulder, the police officer involved
>might have expressed a little curiosity. Inside the Boulder
>city limits, I don't know what the cop would have done.
Yeah, I guess I don't have a very high opinion of the Boulder cops. Is this unfair to the one or two competent cops on the BPD? Probably.

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unregistered user
May-14-03, 06:22 PM (EST)
12. "RE: Lifting Suitcase Through Window"
In response to message #4
   I thought fibers were found?

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