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Oct-16-01, 02:43 PM (EST)
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"The Haddon Letter"
   April 23rd, 1997
Ramsey Family Statement


Our clients, John and Patsy Ramsey, offered specifically to meet with the and Boulder police in a
formal interview on December 27, 1996 and again on January 18, 1997. Since then, we have made numerous

attempts to schedule interviews the Boulder Police Department. Yesterday at 4:00 p.m. the Boulder
Police Department canceled the separate interviews scheduled for today at 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.

We have forwarded the following letter today to the Boulder County District Attorney Alex Hunter.

Hal Haddon

Patrick Burke

April 23, 1997


Alexander M. Hunter Boulder County District Attorney
Boulder County Justice Center
1777 Sixth Street
Boulder, CO 80306

Re: John and Patsy Ramsey

Dear Mr. Hunter:

By this letter, we express our profound dismay at yesterday's actions by the leadership of the Boulder

Police Department. After representatives of the Boulder Police with Department and your office
requested and agreed to a format for separate interviews of John Patsy Ramsey beginning at 9:30 a.m. today,
we were advised at approximately 4:00 p.m. yesterday afternoon that the interviews were canceled
because Boulder Police Department leadership no longer agreed to the format of the interviews -- despite
previous statements to the contrary.

When we received this information from your office yesterday, we offered to discuss any additional
matters which might facilitate the interviews but no one from the police department was willing to
even have that discussion. In view of the bizarre position of the police department, we then offered to
make Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey available this morning for separate interviews by Detective Lou Smit and any
member of the District Attorney's office who wished to attend. This offer was also declined.

This action is incomprehensible in light of the previous history of this issue. The Police Department,
directly and through a campaign of leaks and smears, has portrayed the Ramseys as unwilling to
grant police interviews or assist the investigation. Although we know this innuendo to be false, we have
avoided criticizing the police because we believed that it would only fuel a media war which would be
counterproductive to the overarching goal -- finding and prosecuting the killer of JonBenét Ramsey.
Yesterday's actions make further silence untenable.


On Friday, April 11, 1997, John and Patsy Ramsey, with their attorneys, met with Peter Hofstrom of
youroffice and Tom Wickman of the Boulder Police Department. This meeting was held at Mr. Hofstrom's
request. The Ramseys were told at that meeting that they had been treated unfairly in the past and
that authorities wanted to put the investigation on a new track. They were told that "we need your help
to solve this crime." The Ramseys were asked to give interviews and continue their previous
cooperation. Noconditions were placed on the manner in which the interviews would be conducted and, in fact, we
were invited to propose any conditions we considered reasonable. At that meeting, John Ramsey
immediately said that he would gladly meet with your representatives if it would help the effort to find his
daughter's killer.

The day after that meeting, Patsy Ramsey voluntarily provided a fourth handwriting sample. The
Ramseys also agreed to let authorities search their house again without a warrant; agreed to
destructive testing of materials located at their home; agreed to identify Patsy Ramsey's prior writings; and
agreed to make themselves available for separate interviews on Wednesday, April 23, 1997, beginning at 9:30
a.m. The Ramseys agreed to answer any questions put to them by any investigator chosen by your office
or the Police Department. We requested that these interviews be of two hour durations, respectively, but
we were certainly flexible on time and your agencies voiced no objection to that time frame.

All the arrangements for these interviews had been made and agreed upon. John and Patsy were
anxious to participate, based on Mr. Hofstrom's representations that such interviews would assist in
apprehending the killer of their daughter. We cannot describe their anguish and disappointment when we were
forced to advise them that the police had reneged on the very interviews you earnestly requested on April 11.


This episode is the latest in an inexplicable series of events which appear to be senseless efforts to
intimidate and smear the Ramseys without any valid investigative purpose. We can document that
both John and Patsy Ramsey were extensively interviewed by Boulder police, including detectives, on
December 26, 1996, the day JonBenét's body was discovered. John Ramsey answered more police
questions the next day. On doctors' directions, Patsy Ramsey was not interrogated on December 27.

What occurred next was the most insensitive and outrageous action in this case, at least to date:
Boulder police refused to release JonBenét's body for burial unless the Ramseys agreed to come to the police
station and submit to a hostile interrogation. We had to threaten legal action to obtain her release
for burial. This was the first in a series of insensitive and incomprehensible actions by the Boulder Police
Department leadership to destroy every sincere attempt to have an open and honest relationship of
trust with the Boulder Police Department.

After John and Patsy returned from the funeral, we offered to make them available for a joint
interview on January 18, 1997, at 10:00 a.m. We told the police that Patsy Ramsey was too ill to attend the
entire session but that John Ramsey would answer all questions put to him. The police declined this offer
and stated in writing that such an interview would not "be helpful" because "the time for interviewing John
and Patsy as witnesses who could provide critical information that would be helpful in the initial stages of
our investigation has passed." The police countered with an offer that the Ramseys come to the police
station at 6 p.m. on a Friday night and subject themselves to inquisition for as long as "the nature and
quality of the information" warranted. That absurd suggestion was rejected, especially since the police did not
believe that the Ramseys possessed any "critical information."

Since that time, law enforcement authorities from several agencies have launched a cowardly smear
campaign against John and Patsy, fueled by leaks and smears attributable only to "sources." We will
no longer endure these tactics in silence. It is beyond comprehension that law enforcement authorities
prefer to leak information rather than interrogate the persons who they characterize as "suspects" in this

It is apparent that the leadership of the Boulder Police Department lacks the objectivity and judgment

necessary to find the killer of JonBenét Ramsey. Mr. Hofstrom told John and Patsy that he wanted
their help to solve this crime. They remain willing to meet with Mr. Smit, Mr. Ainsworth or any other
members of your office to that end.


Harold A. Haddon

Patrick Burke

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The Haddon Letter [View All], jamesonadmin, 02:43 PM, Oct-16-01, (0)  
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Nov-04-01, 10:14 PM (EST)
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5. "Bumping for Chris"
In response to message #0
   The BPD never denounced any part of that letter - and if you read it carefully it is clear that the ramseys were trying to work with the authorities to solve this murder.

After reading the Thomas book, reading Thomas explaining how the investigation was handled, this letter makes perfect sense.

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Nov-05-01, 11:07 AM (EST)
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6. "Dec. 27th interview"
In response to message #5
~~Our clients, John and Patsy Ramsey, offered specifically to meet with the and Boulder police in a
formal interview on December 27, 1996 and again on January 18, 1997.~~

(When I first read this statement I thought it was saying that they tried to set up interviews for THAT day December 27. After having done the following research, I see that the statement COULD be saying they tried to set up interviews on the 27th for a later date, but you'll see how that turned out. Either way, the statement is very misleading and, IMO, designed to do so.)

DOI hardback pg. 28

Dec. 26

Mike (Bynum) marched out of the room and confronted the two detectives, telling them there would be no interviews at the police station. Under medical advice, John and Patsy were in no condition to do anything more than they were doing right now.

DOI hardback Pg. 28

Dec 27

Later in the afternoon of the twenty-seventh, I got a call at the Fernies' from Gerry Merriman, our human resources director at Access Graphics. He said he had received a call from someone inside the system who told him that I should get the best criminal defense attorney I could, as soon as possible.

DOI hardback Pg. 29

During much of this time I was overwhelmed with grief, but it was still containted within me. The pain I was feeling was so great, I found it nearly impossible to think about anyone else. Patsy was in the house, but I couldn't seem to bring myself to talk to her or anyone for very long. The weight of JonBenet's death bore down like a gigantic rock, crushing the life out of me. Most of the afternoon and evening of December 27 I did little more than struggle to keep from losing my mind. My body seemed to be running on automatic, even though barely.

Steve's Book hardcover pg. 48-49

On the night of December 27, the day after the debacle on Fifteenth Stree, Det. Arndt and Sgt. Mason arrived at Tin Cup Circle at 9:30 PM to schedule the formal interviews. But instead of stepping forward to cooperate, the Ramseys seemed to be fast fading from view.

John Ramsey was there but would not talk to them alone. Also present were his brother Jeff Ramsey; Dr. Beuf, the pediatriian; Rod WEstmoreland, Ramsey's financial adviser from ATlanta, who introduced himself as an attorney; and the influential local lawyer Mike Bynum, who had once worked in the DA's office. Bynum made his role official when he said he would be providing John Ramsey with legal advice.

It was the first time police had had a chance to speak with Ramsey since he left his house the previous afternoon, yet he sat there with two lawyers.

The session lasted only forty minutes, during which time the detectives learned litt. Ramsey asked no questions about the murder, the autopsy, or how JonBenet was killed. I later considered this to be very peculiar behavior. Parents usually want to provide information as soon as possible to help police find who harmed their child before the trail goes cold.

He confirmed that he had been locked out of the house about four months ealier and had removed the metal grate over the window well and kicked in the pane to gain entrance. That explained the broken window. But he made a point of mentioning that the grate was not secured by a lock and that the window had never been fixed.

(Ramsey then gave a little bit of immediate family history and named Jeff Merrick as a possible suspect and another ex-employee whose name he could not remember.)

When the detectives asked to speak to Patsy, Dr. Beuf said she was too medicated to talk to anyone tonight. The two officers insisted that early interviews were imperative. Perhaps tomorrow morning? The pediatrician hedged, saying Patsy's emotional state was very fragile. John Ramsey was noncommittal about when he would talk with police again.

MONTHS would pass before he did, and when it happened I would be asking the questions.

DOI pg. 29
December 28

When Mike Bynum returned the next day, I had a private conversation with him. He told me that it would be prudent for me to retain an attorney.

~~We can document that
both John and Patsy Ramsey were extensively interviewed by Boulder police, including detectives, on
December 26, 1996, the day JonBenét's body was discovered. John Ramsey answered more police
questions the next day. On doctors' directions, Patsy Ramsey was not interrogated on December 27.~~

The Ramseys were interviewed about who may have KIDNAPPED JonBenet on the 26th. Once it became a murder scene the Ramseys were asked to go to a hotel, but John refused. John also asked for a day to grieve and they were granted that reprieve.

The REASON the interviews were canceled is because the Ramseys refused to go TO the PD which was recommended by the Ramseys' own hired hand, John Douglas.

Did the BPD bungle this entire case? You betcha, but not so bad that it can't be solved. Did the Ramseys contribute to this bunch of bungling? You better believe it, they tried their best!

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Nov-05-01, 12:56 PM (EST)
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7. "Response"
In response to message #6
   Seems to me that the Ramseys were interviewed, but not at the police station.

The police went to the Fernie home - and there WAS an interview at that time - one that lasted 40 minutes.

It doesn't take two cops 40 minutes to "schedule" a future interview... as Thomas suggests. That could have been done by phone.

>Steve's Book hardcover pg. 48-49
>"On the night of December 27, the
>day after the debacle on Fifteenth
>Stree, Det. Arndt and Sgt. Mason
>arrived at Tin Cup Circle at
>9:30 PM to schedule the formal
>interviews. .......
>The session lasted only forty minutes, during
>which time the detectives learned little."

The cops went there to talk - and to ask questions, and to get answers. Since when is that not an interview?

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Nov-05-01, 01:20 PM (EST)
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9. "scheduled interview"
In response to message #7
   Taken from post #6 Steve's book pg. 49

~~The two officers insisted that early interviews were imperative. Perhaps tomorrow morning? The pediatrician hedged, saying Patsy's emotional state was very fragile. John Ramsey was noncommittal about when he would talk with police again.

MONTHS would pass before he did, and when it happened I would be asking the questions.~~

It is apparent that the police wanted further interviews. Did you not read John's description of his mental state in post #6 and how he really couldn't speak to anyone?

The police questioned him for a mere 40 minutes and learned only background information of which I paraphrased. He NEVER committed to a date for interview. The police were not able to question him as a true suspect that day.

Is it not clear to you that the Ramseys and their team are TRYING very hard to show they cooperated AS SUSPECTS early on when it is evident that they did not? They avoided the police until APRIL.

They only gave non-testimonial evidence because it was required by law and they could not avoid that.

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Nov-19-01, 05:28 PM (EST)
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10. "no"
In response to message #9
   They were answering questions through their attorneys. They were answering questions in writing. They were signing numerous documents allowing the BPD to open private records. They were not fighting the BPD - - they just didn't give them the confession they so wanted.

Have you read the Thomas book? That guy wanted to throw the Ramseys in separate cells and bully them into submission.

The Ramseys were not uncooperative - i can post numerous quotes from Boulder spokespeope and authorities to prove that.

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Nov-19-01, 05:37 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Pamela Click to send private message to Pamela Click to add this user to your buddy list  
11. "Jameson, a question"
In response to message #10
   why did the Ramsey's go on CNN the day after the funeral? ST wrote that that move on their part floored the BPD. Do you know why they went to CNN, since they nolonger needed to appeal to the kidnapper, what was the purpose of a national broadcast? That has always baffled me.

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Nov-19-01, 05:55 PM (EST)
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12. "read the transcript"
In response to message #11
   they went on to ask for people to help solve the crime - to make that one phone call.

Why did they go on? They were encouraged to by friends who felt it was a good idea. Fleet White, priscilla and others encouraged them to do that - some of the friends even said tot he ramseys that they needed to becausse people were starting to suspect them - and they (the friends) seemed to be saying that... if the Ramseys went public and people could see them, hear their voices, hear them talk, they would see they were normal people who were incapable of murdering their child.

The Ramseys were walking through a thick cloud - like cotton batting - they just went where people pointed...

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Nov-19-01, 06:08 PM (EST)
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14. "thanks for answer"
In response to message #12
   I did see the interview when it happened, but don't recall them pleading for that one phone call at that time. Seems they asked for that one phone call during their "subtract" interview in April or May of 1997. I will go back and read the transcript, tho at the time their interview seemed pointless, and raised eyebrows when John Ramsey said he only wanted to know WHY. Also, there was little if any visible anger toward the perp, and Patsy broke down when asked what punishment the killer deserved. Their friends had no control over their answers, and when asked why go on tv, John Ramsey said they had been so isolated, and wanted to come out and thank people for their cards. That was about all he said about going on tv, thought you'd have a more specific reason. That's a very flambouyant thank-you. But thanks, I will go read it in it's entirety now.

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Nov-19-01, 06:13 PM (EST)
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15. "URL for CNN interview"
In response to message #12

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Nov-19-01, 06:14 PM (EST)
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16. "Patsy quote"
In response to message #15
   PR: Anyone...if anyone knows anything, please, please help us. For the safety of all of the children... we have to find out who did this.

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Nov-20-01, 03:07 PM (EST)
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17. "unedited version"
In response to message #16
   Cabell (off camera): Why did you decide to talk now?
John B. Ramsey, JonBenet's Father: Well we have been pretty isolated--totally isolated--for the last five days, but we've sensed from our friends that this tragedy has touched not just ourselves and our friends but many people. And we know that there's many people that are praying for us, that are grieving with us. And we want to thank them, to let them know in our hearts that JonBenet is safe and with God and that the grieving that we all have to do is for ourselves and for our loss, but we want to thank those people that care about us.
Patricia Ramsey, JonBenet's Mother: We have just been overwhelmed by the cards and letters and VISITS (thought they were totally isolated?)and people we haven't seen in years have come to call and be supportive in their--many of them are parents, and they know and can feel our grief.

THAT's why they went on CNN. Patsy's plea for that phone call was an after thought; "And if anyone knows anything, please, please help us. For the safety of all the children, we have to find out who did this."

Ipso facto, Jameson. They were "isolated" according to John, tho they hadn't spent a single day alone since their daughter was fished out of their cellar. Spin it however you like. They were asked point blank why they were on tv and the best JR could come up with was "isolated".

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Nov-20-01, 03:34 PM (EST)
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18. "quote"
In response to message #17
   "...we've sensed from our friends that this tragedy has touched not just ourselves and our friends but many people.'

Their friends encouraged them to speak to people - it is right there. More came out later - like that the friends also advised Patsy that some thought they were involved. They were advised to show themselves so people could see they are just human.

Obviously they weren't going on to try to get their daughter back safe - - why do YOU think they went on?

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Jan-16-02, 09:59 AM (EST)
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25. "closed doors"
In response to message #
   Seems to me that the Ramseys upset people by going to the Fernies instead of some motel. Be reasonable, you have just had a terrible event happen in your life - - would you want to go to a hotel where you live in a room where have to go out for meals? I think it is perfectly logical that they would want to go to a friends' house where they could hibernate for a while.

Same thing with the police station.... the Ramseys had not sent the cops away - they just said that they didn't want to go to the police station. They were sick at heart and just didn't want to get dressed and leave the house.

I see nothing "guilty" there.

Guilty people might have cooperated - - if cold enough to think they could pull it off. Or they might have moved into Don Paugh's empty apartment and refused to answer the door to anyone.

I don't see guilt in what they did.

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Feb-01-02, 10:20 AM (EST)
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28. "Pamela"
In response to message #17
   You forgot this - "And we know
>that there's many people that are
>praying for us, that are grieving
>with us. And we want to
>thank them, to let them know
>in our hearts that JonBenet is
>safe and with God and that
>the grieving that we all have
>to do is for ourselves and
>for our loss, but we want
>to thank those people that care
>about us."

Patricia Ramsey added "And if anyone
>knows anything, please, please help us.
>For the safety of all the
>children, we have to find out
>who did this."

Personally I think it is so sad how people pick on every word they said. If they were silent, they were wrong. If they spoke, everything they said damn well better live up to everyone's standards and expectations.

They went on to show people who they were, to thank them for their interest and support and to ask for help.

I watched an old conference with Koby where he said they spoke to the Ramseys on the 26th - - did not do interviews and he felt they had handled that correctly - - that interrogations at that point would have been completely out of line.

Can't blame the Ramseys for not answering questions they weren't asked.

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Feb-01-02, 10:53 AM (EST)
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29. "isolated..."
In response to message #28
   How often do we hear that political candidates or office holders are "isolated?" I don't think you have to be off in a cave somewhere to be isolated. It can be more a matter of what news and information you are or are not getting.

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Feb-01-02, 01:48 PM (EST)
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30. "isolated"
In response to message #29
   I know when I first met the Ramseys in May of 1998 I was very surprised at some information they did not have.

Honestly, their friends felt they were dealing with enough - - they did not go to them with every new story that came out in the tabloids. And the attorneys and investigators did their jobs without having the Ramseys approve every step. It is still like that.

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Apr-15-02, 06:09 PM (EST)
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31. "Cooperation"
In response to message #30
   People still ask me why the parents didn't cooperate. They did.

But the BPD wanted a confession, not help finding the intruder who killed their daughter.

Under the circumstances, there couldn't ever be any resolution.

I still say we need for the CBI or someone else to take over the investigation and start over - - and do the job right.

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