Q. Did you ever review reports of the officers that were with John and Patsy Ramsey on a 24-seven
basis from the time of the discovery of JonBenet's murder up until the time they left to go to Atlanta for
her burial? Did those officers provide the department with reports? A. At least some did, yes.
Q. Did those reports contain discussions of the Ramseys' actions, conduct, and just conversations?
A. Yes.
Q. Those officers were there not only to possibly protect the Ramseys; they were there clearly also
to have the Ramseys under 24-seven surveillance to ascertain what they might say that might be
incriminatory, right?
A. Some of that; most of it was prior to my involvement in the case so I don't know what their
instruction was.
Q. What do you believe from your review of the records in terms of the reports that these officers
A. Certainly 24-seven security but these officers weren't going to ignore any statements or
comments by anyone that may be incriminating.
Q. These officers weren't sitting outside the door guarding the house. They were literally, as you
know from the reports, they were right there in the room with the Ramseys, right next to them
24-seven, weren't they?
A. I believe so.
Q. Which points a little bit more towards surveillance than guarding them, doesn't it, sir?
A. In your mind maybe; I don't know, I wasn't there.
Q. What about in your mind when you reviewed the reports particularly since you had the benefit of
the substance of what these officers were saying?
A. As I said, it's my belief that they were there 24-seven as security but also they certainly weren't
going to ignore any statements. You might ask John Eller about that.
Q. Well, if I have the opportunity he and a lot of others I would ask. You don't know who ordered
the guards 24-seven, do you, or the surveillance 24-seven, whichever the case may be, or some
combination of it?
A. I think John Eller.
Q. And from your review of the reports, do you have a recollection of seeing anything unusual about
the family's comments or conduct from these 24-seven police officers who were filing reports about
A. Yes, I remember they included in their narrative verbatim quotes made by the Ramseys and
Q. Do you recall any of those quotes?
A. I remember, I think it was in Chromiak's report about Patsy and her sisters praying, in another
report Patsy making a comment that she didn't want to live anymore, didn't have a reason to live
anymore. The comings and goings of the Ramseys, just a general recollection along those lines.
Q. Nothing in that that I'm hearing that sounds incriminatory, wouldn't you agree?
A. Again, without reviewing the reports, that's what comes to me off the top of my mind.
Q. Let me ask you about that. How many cases have you been involved in where you were
analyzing the demeanor and conduct of parents who had a child found murdered in their home; what
was your experience in that type of a case?
A. None.
Q. Do you have any experience, formal training, in how psychologically or otherwise one expects a
parent to grieve when a child has been murdered?
A. No.