The window well isn't very small- - I went through easily - so did many others.But it isn't huge. To get something else up at the same time would be impossible.
You might be able to get the suitcase into the window well, but it seems to me impossible to get it out to the ground level or to crawl past it. You could get inthe window well first but then there would be no room for the suitcase (assuming you could reach it - - the floor isn't that close.)
On missing threads... JK archived a bunch of threads. Cleaned up a bit and will do so more as time goes on.
I am posting less. I am going to depend more on the moderators now.
When I started to follow the case, I saw that someone needed to be the voice of balance and reason. I led that fight. Now I do not stand alone - the Ramseys have many supporters now. My voice was strong when it needed to be - now I am part of a chorus, the song will be heard whether I am singing at that moment or not. The forums are here, our voices are heard.
I published many documents, I made sure the truth got in newspapers, books, TV programs.... I think that was important and I am glad the Internet is - our pages are - still is a source for the truth. If more documents come to me, I will see they are published.
Donald Foster was going to be a false witness against Patsy Ramsey. I was unaware of the letter he had written to Patsy proclaiming her innocence, I believed I was the only one who could expose him as a charlatan and I have no regrets about stepping forward to do that.
We fought for the case to be removed from the BPD and given to a new set of investigators. I was thrilled to see that happen and have total confidence in the new group.
All I can see left to do is to wait for those folks to solve it.
I will be around, but not going to fight the BORG daily any longer - -their lies are the same, no need to keep bickering with them, the truth is on this forum and people will find it.
I want to maintain a forum of truth for those who want to be here. It will be here through the end of the year - - and then it is up tot he members what happens next.