Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "But more than any other evidence, Smit believes these small marks left on
JonBenét's face and back prove an intruder killed her." Lou Smit: "The killer had a stun gun. I am sure the killer had a stun gun."
Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "A stun gun, an electrical weapon used to incapacitate the little girl in
to move her to the basement. Smit believes only an intruder would need to use one. "
Lou Smit: "There is no reason at all for the parents to have used a stun gun to help stage the murder
their daughter."
Erin Moriarty: "Was there any indication that the Ramsey's had ever owned a stun gun?"
Lou Smit: "There was nothing to indication that the Ramsey's ever owned a stun gun"
Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "What is significant about these injuries, says Smit, is that those on the
child's face, and those on her back, appear to be an equal distant apart".
Lou Smit: "They are approximately 3.5 centimeters"
Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "Much like the prongs of this stun gun"
Lou Smit: "And they are approximately 3.5 centimeters apart."
Dr. Michael Dobersen: "And if I push this..."
(Dr. Michael Dobersen demonstrates stun gun)
Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "Dr. Michael Dobersen"
Dr. Michael Dobersen: " can see the electricity arching"
Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "The coroner for neighboring Arapahoe County, also believes the marks on
JonBenét were left by a stun gun."
Dr. Michael Dobersen: "What we have to do is match up the injuries with the weapon."
Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "And to prove it, he used one on the skin of an anesthetized pig."
(images of the stun gunned pig and marks on JonBenét)
Erin Moriarty: "What am I seeing on the left?"
Lou Smit: "What you are seeing on the left, is, you're seeing the actual injury on the back of
the marks are similar in size and shape and color and they are a certain distant apart.. On the pig too,
you see marks that were left on the skin of the pig."
Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "While there are some differences, both Dobersen and Smit believe the
experiment confirms a stun gun was used."
Dr. Michael Dobersen: "If it's not a stun gun, I would like to know what it is."
Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "Three other pathologists agreed, but the Boulder Police are relying instead
on this man's opinion."
(Erin Moriarty talking with forensic pathologist, Dr. Werner Spitz)
Erin Moriarty: "How sure are you that it's not a stun gun?"
Dr. Werner Spitz: "Well I'm a hundred percent sure because stun gun injuries don't look like that."
Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "Dr. Werner Spitz, a nationally known pathologist who has worked on
major cases including the assassination of J.F. Kennedy."
(photos of marks on pig and marks on JonBenét)
Erin Moriarty: "This was found on her and this was done on a pig skin."
Dr. Werner Spitz: "Are you telling me that this looks to you like the other one, the one that JonBenét
has? They don't look like that to me, at all. A stun gun injury is an electrical burn, it's a burn,
essentially. And these don't look like burns."
Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "Instead, Spitz believes the large dark mark on JonBenét's face was left by
a snap on a piece of clothing."
Dr. Werner Spitz: "You know like the snaps they have on blue jeans, for instance. If you look at this
one below the ear, this thing here. If you look at it closely with a magnifying glass you will see within
this brownish mark there is a boat shaped structure which is missing in any of the other injuries."
Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "Unfortunately, with only photographs to go by, no expert, not Dr. Spitz
and not Dr. Dobersen, can be one hundred percent sure."
(Moriarty talking with Smit and Dobersen)
Erin Moriarty: "Wouldn't that have been or the best way to know or come the closest to knowing, is if
you could have exhumed the body and line up a stun gun and see if it matches those injuries?"
Lou Smit: "Sure, I believe that would have been the most accurate way to do it."
Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "Lou Smit admits that in the months following JonBenét's death,
investigators considered going to court to have her body exhumed but decided against it."
John Ramsey: "We had buried our child, she was in peace, that was just an abhorant thought"
Erin Moriarty: "But John that might have been the one way to know for sure, that could have resolved
the whole issue, because if a stun gun was used, it was not the parents."
John Ramsey: "Certainly, and we've got people who told us who know what they are doing that with
95% medical certainty that a stun gun was used. No question."
Erin Moriarty: "But you would have known with a hundred percent certainty if you had exhumed the
body, as tough as that would have been."
John Ramsey: "That's my child you're talking about, not a body. It's different."
Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "Still Smit believes a stun gun is the key to JonBenét's murder."
Lou Smit: "I see the killer at the end of the intruder path"
Erin Moriarty: (Voice Over) "And he's searching for the killer or killers who own one."
Lou Smit: "The person who did this, if we're right, he's still out there."