17 Q. (By Mr. Kane) Have you been
18 involved in any efforts to publicize the
19 ransom note?
20 A. No. Not -- we wanted it released
21 early on based on strong recommendations that
22 that be done, but --
23 Q. But you haven't, yourself,
24 promoted that or anything?
25 A. Uh-uh (indicating negatively). 72
1 Q. Have you gotten anybody in the
2 last two years who has contacted you saying
3 they recognize the handwriting?
4 A. We have gotten, we have gotten
5 handwriting samples from people that say this
6 looks familiar. The woman that turned her
7 ex-husband in sent us a volume of his
8 handwriting samples.
9 Q. Well, she was dismissed on other
10 grounds, from what I understand?
11 A. Well, yes.
12 Q. Was there anybody else besides her
13 who submitted handwriting?
14 MR. WOOD: I told you about the
15 Fleet White package that I received.
16 MR. KANE: Yes. That is right.
17 Fleet White.
18 MR. LEVIN: If I can interrupt
19 for just a second, that's based on
20 linguistics, though, if I understood you?
21 MR. WOOD: To tell you the truth,
22 I haven't, other than to recognize what it
23 was, I did not try to study it. So I
24 wouldn't -- my impression was initially it
25 was linguistics, but it might be, it might
1 reference handwriting.
2 MR. KANE: Was that a handwritten
3 note or something of Fleet or --
4 MR. WOOD: No. It's about an
5 inch and a half thick report.
6 MR. KANE: Okay. But it's not
7 handwritten, I was talking about handwriting
8 here, was that in here?
9 MR. WOOD: That is what I was
10 telling Bruce. I didn't study it other than
11 to recognize that it was someone sending me
12 an analysis of Fleet White's writings. And
13 whether it is limited to linguistics or
14 whether it goes into the handwriting issue, I
15 wouldn't state on the record without being
16 certain, but I will get that to you all and
17 you will know exactly what it is.
18 Q. (By Mr. Kane) So, I'm sorry, YOU
19 were saying, you said the Allison woman.
20 Anybody else whose handwriting has been
21 submitted based on -- well, by anybody?
22 A. Well, we received a package that
23 was delivered anonymously, which I believe we
24 turned over to police a couple of years ago.
25 I don't know. It's been --
1 Q. I mean, to your recollection, has
2 there been any handwriting you received as a
3 result of the massive publicity about the
4 handwriting, or about the ransom note?
5 A. Is there any? Yeah, yeah.
6 Q. You received that or your
7 investigators have?
8 A. Yeah, as far as I know.
9 Q. Have you had any of that analyzed
10 by any experts?
11 A. I know early on we had Chris
12 Wolf's handwriting looked at. I know we had
13 them look at several.
14 Q. There have been others that have
15 been looked at by your experts?
16 A. As far as I know.
17 Q. Which experts are these now? I
18 am aware of Mr. Ryle and Mr. Cunningham.
19 A. As far as I know, that is who
20 looked at it.
21 Q. And when you say as far as you
22 know, I mean, have you talked to them about
23 their --
24 A. I've never talked to Ryle and
25 Cunningham directly.
1 Q. Have you received information
2 about them, because I am not aware that they
3 looked at any others when I asked them
4 besides Chris Wolf? Have you received
5 information that they have, in fact, looked
6 at those?
7 A. I have not received information.
8 It is my impression that they have, yes.
9 Q. What was that impression based
10 upon?
11 A. The thousands and thousands of
12 information bits that hit me every day from
13 everywhere.
14 I don't know. Ask them.
Seems to me that K&C (Kane and Company) didn't want to get into a lof of details - - didn't the discussion of the Fleet White package end quickly?
I believe someone online put together that Fleet White package. Analyzed his writings and wanted to share it with authorities. I would think they had sent that file to both the Ramseys and LE.
If I am right - why wouldn't K&C have told John that they had gotten the same package and were dealing with it in a proper fashion?
If I am wrong and they didn't know about the package, why didn't they show more interest?
Am I wrong in guessing they simply didn't want to follow anything but BORG leads?