14 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Mrs. Ramsey, we
15 were sent, and Detective Trujillo probably
16 can give me dates on this to orient
17 everyone, two black shirts.
18 CHIEF BECKNER: Same time. It
19 was January 28, 1998.
20 MR. TRUJILLO: Same date.
21 MR. LEVIN: Received the same
22 date as the red coat?
24 Q. (By Mr. Levin) We have asked for
25 -- we had also requested, through your 166
1 attorneys, that we be sent a black shirt, a
2 black shirt that John was wearing at the
3 Whites on Christmas of 1996. Were you aware
4 of that request in addition to the request
5 for your red coat?
6 A. I am sure I was.
7 Q. Did you participate in collecting
8 that? What I mean by that is you said,
9 well, I went in my closet and grabbed my
10 jacket. Did you go and grab what you
11 thought was John's shirt? How did that come
12 about? Why don't you just tell us in your
13 own words?
14 A. I don't remember. More likely he
15 found his shirt, I found my jacket.
16 Q. He sent us two black shirts. I
17 am going to show you a photograph here. It
18 shows you wearing your red coat and then
19 John wearing a black shirt. He sent us two,
20 two different black shirts. This one, does
21 this have a collar, this shirt?
22 A. I can't tell.
23 Q. While Mr. Kane tries to get a
24 little closer, I have some more questions.
25 John sent us two black shirts. One had a
1 collar and one did not. Was there any
2 discussion that he had with you in which he
3 tried to obtain your assistance in refreshing
4 his memory as to which of those two shirts
5 he wore Christmas of 1996?
6 A. I don't remember.
7 Q. If it took place, you just don't
8 recall it?
9 A. I don't remember, no.
10 Q. I think this is a little better
11 shot.
12 MR. WOOD: I don't believe
13 there's contrast.
14 THE WITNESS: I can't tell, you
15 know, which one that was. He has got
16 several.
17 MR. WOOD: You are talking about
18 the question of the collar, though, on that
19 one. I don't think you can tell, even from
20 the zoom I can't tell.
21 THE WITNESS: You can't tell if
22 there's a collar.
23 Q. (By Mr. Levin) And the sheriff,
24 this is just, the two he sent us, the one
25 that this appears to be, it is a wool shirt
1 that is made in Israel, which is kind of
2 unusual. It wasn't a gift that maybe you
3 bought for him, something like that, that
4 would make it stand out?
5 MR. WOOD: Let me stop. You are
6 saying this one appears to be. You are
7 talking about the picture that Mr. Kane has
8 just shown us?
9 MR. LEVIN: Yes. And then we
10 are --
11 MR. WOOD: You say it is a wool
12 shirt that is made in Israel.
13 MR. LEVIN: The shirt that your
14 husband sent us.
15 MR. WOOD: Which is kind of
16 unusual. I don't know if that is true or
17 not. But the point is, are you asking if
18 this shirt was one that was made -- are you
19 asking her if she knows whether this is a
20 wool shirt that was made in Israel?
21 MR. LEVIN: Yes.
22 MR. WOOD: The one that you see
23 in this photograph, are you able to know
24 that?
25 THE WITNESS: No, I don't know.
1 Q. (By Mr. Levin) The wool shirt
2 that he sent us was made in Israel. Is it
3 a shirt that maybe you bought him as a gift?
4 A. I don't remember.
5 Q. I am not going through, from the
6 minute you walked in the door Christmas
7 coming back from dropping presents off, but
8 what I would like to do, and I don't believe
9 you have been asked this, if you can recall
10 when you got upstairs, had John hung up his
11 clothes that he had worn on the 25th, if you
12 remember?
13 MR. WOOD: Had he hung them up?
14 MR. LEVIN: Yes.
15 THE WITNESS: You mean when I
16 came up to get ready for bed?
17 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Yes. Do you
18 remember if he had just left them laying
19 around or if he had hung them up?
20 A. I don't remember. I mean, my
21 dressing room, bathroom, was this direction
22 and his was that direction. So I didn't, I
23 didn't see it.
24 Q. Your husband's routine practice
25 and habit, as far as when he would get
1 undressed, if things needed to be hung up,
2 did he generally hang things up or if they
3 needed to go into the hamper or the laundry
4 chute, would he put them right in the
5 laundry chute?
6 THE WITNESS: Usually.
7 MR. WOOD: Hold on a second.
8 You were going to say something else.
9 MR. LEVIN: We can, we can take
10 it one at a time.
11 MR. WOOD: Well, I mean, her
12 answer doesn't give you any information as I
13 see it because you asked her, did he
14 generally hang it up or if they needed to go
15 into the -- why don't you ask a specific
16 question. I'm not sure --
17 MR. LEVIN: I was going to split
18 it.
19 MR. WOOD: I think she jumped on
20 top of you actually. Let him finish the
21 question, Patsy, and then go ahead and do
22 it.
23 MR. LEVIN: Let's do it, we will
24 do it one step at a time.
25 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Your husband's
1 routine practice and habit, if he had
2 clothing that he was changing out of that
3 could be worn again, would he normally hang
4 them up?
5 A. I don't know if he has a routine.
6 Sometimes he does. Sometimes he doesn't.
7 Q. When he had clothes that were not
8 going to -- that he'd just worn that he was
9 changing out of that he was not going to
10 wear again, was it his habit, routine habit
11 and practice, to just leave them laying
12 around or would he normally throw them in
13 the laundry chute?
14 A. Both. Sometimes he puts some in
15 the laundry chute and sometimes he left some
16 in the bathroom.
17 Q. Do you have any recollection with
18 regard to the clothing that he wore on
19 January -- excuse me, December 25th if they
20 went in the laundry chute, hung up, any
21 recollection whatsoever?
22 A. No.
23 Q. (By Mr. Morrissey) What was your
24 practice in your house when things that were
25 dry cleaned would go out? How did you
1 handle that, not laundry items, but
2 dry-cleaning items?
3 A. Yeah.
4 MR. WOOD: You mean like did she
5 put it in a special place to make the run
6 to the dry cleaner?
7 Q. (By Mr. Morrissey) Was there
8 like a bag or how did that work?
9 MR. WOOD: Do you understand what
10 he is asking you, Patsy?
11 THE WITNESS: Yeah. I don't know
12 that we had a particular routine. I mean,
13 if -- I think if I was going to the dry
14 cleaners, I would kind of check around and
15 see if anything was left, and I would pick
16 it up and take it.
17 Q. (By Mr. Morrissey) Did you have
18 like a dry-cleaning bag? I know some people
19 have --
20 A. No.
21 Q. - like a bag that is
22 specifically for that or a place that is
23 specifically for those kinds of items.
24 A. I wasn't that organized.
25 Q. Well, and some people have dry
1 cleaners that come to their house, pick the
2 stuff up, and then bring it back in a couple
3 of days and hang it on their door. Did you
4 have any of that kind of service in Boulder
5 there?
6 A. I think I tried that a couple of
7 times, but it just never -- I could never
8 promise when I was going to be there to pay
9 them and all of that.
10 MR. MORRISSEY: Thank you.
The photo was apparently unclear - did the shirt have a collar or not? No one seems to be able to tell. So John sent in both shirts - - seems to me he was doing the right thing.
I really don't understand this line of questioning. Are they suggesting she took John's shirt down to the basement to try to frame him? That is as insane as JenF's idea that Patsy used duct tape from NC to frame me. (no lie - she posted that.)