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Subject: "Patsy in Atlanta 11 - dressing JBR"     Previous Topic | Next Topic
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Conferences Deposition discussion Topic #68
Reading Topic #68
Charter Member
13618 posts
Nov-07-03, 00:01 AM (EST)
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"Patsy in Atlanta 11 - dressing JBR"
11 Q. (By Mr. Levin) You told us
12 that -- I believe you said you didn't help
13 JonBenet get dressed for the Whites'
14 Christmas Day '96?
15 MR. WOOD: When did she tell you
16 that?
17 MR. LEVIN: I thought she told
18 that to Mr. Kane.
19 MR. WOOD: Earlier today?
20 MR. LEVIN: I thought so. I
21 could be mistaken. We don't need to go
22 through it. I can just ask her the
23 question.
24 MR. WOOD: Let's just make sure
25 of what she said.

1 MR. LEVIN: Okay.
2 MR. WOOD: How do you search,
3 Mr. Gallo?
4 MR. GALLO: F1.
5 MR. WOOD: F9?
6 MR. GALLO: F1.
7 MR. WOOD: F1, search down? I
8 am not finding it under dress. Why don't
9 you just ask the question again, if you
10 don't mind, Bruce.
11 MR. LEVIN: No problem.
12 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Did you help
13 JonBenet get dressed for the Whites'
14 Christmas Day '96?
15 A. Yes.
16 Q. Did you do this by yourself or
17 did John help you too?
18 A. No, John did not help me.
19 Q. You told us that you changed
20 JonBenet's clothing when she came home to put
21 her in clothes to sleep?
22 A. Correct.
23 Q. Did John assist in that process?
24 A. He, I believe, took her coat off,
25 maybe her shoes.

1 Q. Okay. As far as putting the
2 longjohns on her for sleeping purposes, did
3 you do that alone?
4 A. Yes.
5 Q. While you were at the Whites'
6 house, if JonBenet went to the bathroom, did
7 either you or he ever go in to help her for
8 some reason that you can recall?
9 A. I did not.
10 Q. Do you have a recollection of
11 John having to go in and help her for any
12 reason?
13 A. No.
14 Q. And under normal -- barring a
15 problem, under normal circumstances, she would
16 just go on her own?
17 A. Yes.

Boy - I want to scream that this line of questioning is a waste of time - can't identify the intruder who killed JonBenét - but I can't... I can see some issues that needed to be cleared up - - and I see the questions were not asked - - WHY!????!!!!

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Charter Member
13618 posts
Nov-07-03, 11:06 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Patsy in Atlanta 11 - dressing JBR"
In response to message #0
   Q. (By Mr. Levin) You told us
12 that -- I believe you said you didn't help
13 JonBenet get dressed for the Whites'
14 Christmas Day '96?


12 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Did you help
13 JonBenet get dressed for the Whites'
14 Christmas Day '96?
15 A. Yes.

Why bother asking if they don't listen - - or if they just hear what they want to hear? Or if they are going to twist things to try to make it appear the Ramseys were being dishonest?

K&C were the ones playing games here - - that's what I see.

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one_eyed Jack
Member since May-7-03
592 posts
Nov-07-03, 06:07 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Patsy in Atlanta 11 - dressing JBR"
In response to message #0

Because they were STILL focused on the Ramseys. The whole line of questioning is an attempt to entrap. The Ramseys knew this very well. Their only defense is to try and evade the trap. If they can't remember for an absolute certainty, they are better off to say they don't remember. Had the interviews been honest, the Ramseys would have been able to say more, but, under these circumstances, they really can't.

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