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13618 posts
Nov-04-03, 11:32 PM (EST)
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"Patsy in Atlanta 4 - the panties"
   I started a separate thread for this because it took up a LONG time at the Atlanta meeting. 20 pages!

I have to wonder - - once you figure out that the panties belonged to JonBenét, why does it need to be discussed like this? I don't see this leading to the capture of the killer.

8 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Ms. Ramsey, we
9 are going to move on to another area. And
10 what I want to discuss with you is the
11 underpants that JonBenet was wearing at the
12 time that she was discovered on the 26th.
13 We are going to try to get some background
14 information on those from you. Hopefully you
15 can help us out a little bit. Okay?
16 I don't, I'll be perfectly honest
17 with you, I don't follow all of the media
18 developments in this case, so I am not quite
19 sure what is out in the public sector. But
20 what I would like to get a feel for is just
21 what your belief is with regard to the
22 significance of the underpants that your
23 daughter was wearing at the time that she
24 was found murdered.
25 MR. WOOD: With all due fairness,

1 didn't you cover that in June of 1998?
2 MR. LEVIN: I don't believe so,
3 and I think that will become apparent.
4 MR. WOOD: Okay. Well, maybe if
5 you help me, just so I understand, when you
6 say what is the significance of it, are you
7 really just trying to find out what she
8 might know about why she was wearing them?
9 I am not sure what significance, with regard
10 to significance --
11 MR. LEVIN: What I would like to
12 know is what Mrs. Ramsey's belief, as she
13 sits here, is significant about the
14 underpants. In a normal homicide case, what
15 kind of underpants someone is wearing is
16 typically not national news. Fair enough?
18 MR. LEVIN: But apparently it has
19 become national news, and I just want to get
20 a sense, before I start asking some specific
21 questions, which I hope she can help us
22 with, why you think, what is your
23 understanding of what the significance is.
24 MR. WOOD: Bruce, I don't know,
25 just so it is clear, I don't know that her

1 underwear has become national news.
2 Now, I don't know, sitting here
3 today, I may want to go back and look at
4 them, but it may be something that the
5 tabloids have written about, but I don't know
6 of any national news from reputable news
7 agencies that have made that a major issue.
8 But I am not arguing with that.
9 I just want to make sure I don't agree with
10 you by acquiescence, but --
11 MR. LEVIN: I understand.
12 MR. WOOD: - the question is, I
13 think he wants to know, and maybe I am still
14 not clear, you assume she attaches some
15 significance to it, but I am not sure. If
16 you asked her a factual question, maybe she
17 will understand.
18 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Well, let's start
19 with what - I will make it very simple for
20 you, Mrs. Ramsey. What information are you
21 in possession of or what do you know about
22 the underwear that your daughter was wearing
23 at the time she was found murdered?
24 A. I have heard that she had on a
25 pair of Bloomi's that said Wednesday on them.

1 Q. The underwear that she was
2 wearing, that is Bloomi's panties, do you
3 know where they come from as far as what
4 store?
5 A. Bloomingdales in New York.
6 Q. Who purchased those?
7 A. I did.
8 Q. Do you recall when you purchased
9 them?
10 A. It was, I think, November of '96.
11 Q. In the fall of 1996, how many
12 trips did you make to New York?
13 A. Two, I believe.
14 Q. Do you recall, and again, the
15 same, same qualification I gave you when we
16 started, which is, I understand that you are
17 not going to give me exact dates, but the
18 two trips you made, did you make those with
19 different groups of people?
20 A. Yes.
21 Q. The first trip, who was that trip
22 with?
23 A. The first trip was a
24 mother-daughter trip with my mother Nedra
25 Paugh, my sister Pam Paugh, friends Susan

1 F**** from Charlevoix, Michigan, and her
2 daughter and a friend of Susan's, Ms.
3 K****** I believe was her name, and her
4 daughter, and JonBenet and myself.
5 Q. And the second trip you made was?
6 A. The second trip we made was with
7 Glen and Susan Stein.
8 Q. Is that the trip -- which trip
9 was the November trip?
10 A. With the children.
11 Q. Was that -- that is the first
12 trip?
13 A. Yes.
14 Q. And the second trip that you and
15 your husband and the Steins took, was that
16 also November, but later in the month, or
17 was that a December trip?
18 A. I think it was December.
19 Q. And maybe this will help jog your
20 memory as to time. I believe that was the
21 time of the Christmas parade in Boulder.
22 A. Yes.
23 Q. Is that correct?
24 A. Yes.
25 Q. Were you out of town?

1 A. I remember that.
2 Q. Which of those two trips did you
3 purchase the Bloomi's?
4 A. The first trip.
5 Q. Was it something that was selected
6 by JonBenet?
7 A. I believe so.
8 Q. Was it your intention, when you
9 purchased those, for those to be for her,
10 not for some third party as a gift?
11 A. I bought some things that were
12 gifts and some things for her. So I
13 don't --
14 Q. Just so I am clear, though, it is
15 your best recollection that the purchase of
16 the underpants, the Bloomi's days of the
17 week, was something that you bought for her,
18 whether it was just I am buying underwear
19 for my kids or these are special, here's a
20 present, that doesn't matter, but it was your
21 intention that she would wear those?
22 A. Well, I think that I bought a
23 package of the -- they came in a package of
24 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
25 I think I bought a package to give to my

1 niece.
2 Q. Which niece was that?
3 A. Jenny D*****.
4 Q. They came in, if you recall, do
5 you remember that they come in kind of a
6 plastic see-through plastic container.
7 A. Right.
8 Q. They are rolled up?
9 A. Yes.
10 Q. So if I understand you correctly,
11 you bought one package for Jenny D*****, your
12 niece, and one for JonBenet?
13 A. I am not sure if I bought one or
14 two.
15 Q. Do you remember what size they
16 were?
17 A. Not exactly.
18 Q. JonBenet was found wearing the
19 Wednesday Bloomi's underpants, and your
20 understanding is correct, that is a fact, you
21 can accept that as a fact, when she was
22 found murdered. Those underpants do not fit
23 her. Were you aware of that?
24 MR. WOOD: Are you stating that
25 as a matter of fact --

1 MR. LEVIN: I'm stating that as a
2 matter --
3 MR. WOOD: - for a six-year-old
4 child?
5 MR. LEVIN: I am stating that as
6 a matter of fact.
7 MR. WOOD: Don't fit her
8 according to whose standard?
9 MR. LEVIN: By --
10 MR. WOOD: I mean, I have got an
11 11-year-old boy, and he wears underwear that
12 potentially hangs down to his knees, Bruce.
13 I mean, I don't know how you can come up
14 with that as a fact. That sounds to me
15 like more of an opinion. Who states that as
16 fact?
17 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Ms. Ramsey, your
18 daughter weighed, I believe, 45 pounds;
19 correct?
20 A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
21 Q. She was six years old?
22 A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
23 Q. What size underpants would you
24 normally buy for her?
25 A. 8 to 10.

1 Q. Ms. Ramsey, would you say that it
2 would, it is safe to assume that, if she is
3 wearing underpants designed for someone who
4 weighs 85 pounds, who is 10 to 12 years old,
5 that those would not fit her?
6 A. Those -- I mean, I am sure she
7 could wear them, yes, but they wouldn't fit
8 as well as a smaller pair.
9 Q. And as a mother, you would know
10 that someone who is 85 pounds is
11 significantly larger than your little
12 six-year-old?
13 MR. WOOD: Can't we assume that
14 as a matter of 85 is more than 45 without
15 her having to document a mathematical fact,
16 Bruce?
17 Q. (By Mr. Levin) 40 pounds is the
18 wrong size pair of underpants, would you
19 agree?
20 A. Yes.
21 Q. Okay. What we are trying to
22 understand is whether -- we are trying to
23 understand why she is wearing such a large
24 pair of underpants. We are hoping you can
25 help us if you have a recollection of it.

1 A. I am sure that I put the package
2 of underwear in her bathroom, and she opened
3 them and put them on.
4 Q. Do you know if -- you bought
5 these sometime in mid to early December, is
6 that correct, as far as -- no, I am sorry,
7 you bought them in November?
8 A. Right.
9 Q. Do you recall, was she wearing
10 these? And I don't mean this specific day
11 of the week, but was she wearing, were you
12 aware of the fact that she, you know, was in
13 this package of underpants and had been
14 wearing them since the trip to New York in
15 November?
16 A. I don't remember.
17 Q. Ms. Hoffman Pugh generally did the
18 laundry for the family, that is part of her
19 duties; is that correct?
20 A. Correct.
21 Q. Exclusively, or did you wash
22 clothes on occasion?
23 A. I washed a lot of clothes.
24 Q. Do you have any recollection of
25 ever washing any of the Bloomi panties?

1 A. Not specifically.
2 Q. Was it something that, the fact
3 that she is wearing these underpants designed
4 for an 85-pound person, did you ever -- and
5 I will give you a minute to think about it
6 because I know it is tough to try to pin
7 down a couple of months of casual
8 conversation -- do you recall ever having any
9 conversations with her concerning the fact
10 that she is wearing underwear that is just
11 too large for her?
12 A. No.
13 Q. Knowing yourself as you do, if it
14 was, if it had caught your attention or came
15 to your attention, do you think you might
16 have said, JonBenet, you should, those don't
17 fit, put something on that fits, that is
18 inappropriate? Do you think, if it came,
19 had come to your attention --
20 A. Well, obviously we, you know, the
21 package had been opened, we made the
22 decision, you know, oh, just go ahead and
23 use them because, you know, we weren't going
24 to give them to Jenny after all, I guess,
25 so.

1 I mean, if you have ever seen
2 these little panties, there is not too much
3 difference in the size. So, you know, I'm
4 sure even if they were a little bit big,
5 they were special because we got them up
6 there, she wanted to wear them, and they
7 didn't fall down around her ankles, that was
8 fine with me.
9 MR. MORRISSEY: Did you ever see
10 if they fell down around her ankles or not?
12 MS. HARMER: But you specifically
13 remember her putting on the bigger pair?
14 And I am not saying --
15 THE WITNESS: They were just in
16 her panty drawer, so I don't, you know, I
17 don't pay attention. I mean, I just put all
18 of her clean panties in a drawer and she can
19 help herself to whatever is in there.
20 MS. HARMER: I guess I am not
21 clear on, you bought the panties to give to
22 Jenny.
23 THE WITNESS: Right.
24 MS. HARMER: And they ended up in
25 JonBenet's bathroom?

1 A. Right.
2 Q. (By Ms. Harmer) Was there - I'm
3 sorry. Do you recall making a decision then
4 not to give them to Jenny or did JonBenet
5 express an interest in them; therefore, you
6 didn't give them to Jenny? How did that --
7 A. I can't say for sure. I mean, I
8 think I bought them with the intention of
9 sending them in a package of Christmas things
10 to Atlanta. Obviously I didn't get that
11 together, so I just put them in her, her
12 panty drawer. So they were free game.
13 Q. (By Mr. Morrissey) At the time,
14 how old was Jenny?
15 A. I don't know. Probably -- I
16 don't know. She is older than JonBenet, but
17 I don't know exactly how old she was.
18 Q. Would these panties, size wise, be
19 more appropriate for -- is she an older
20 girl?
21 A. Yes.
22 Q. And I assume a larger girl?
23 A. Well, at that time, no, not -- I
24 mean, she is not -- I mean, today she is a
25 young woman, but then she was a little girl.

1 Q. How old is she now?
2 A. She is now 15, I believe.
3 Q. So she would have been about 12
4 or somewhere --
5 A. 11.
6 Q. -- 11, 12?
7 A. Yeah.
8 Q. And based on the, I guess,
9 dimensions that Mr. Levin has talked about,
10 these would have been a size appropriate for
11 her?
12 A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
13 MR. WOOD: Do you know that?
14 Q. (By Mr. Morrissey) Based on your
15 knowledge of her? I mean, I never have seen
16 this girl, so --
17 MR. WOOD: Guys, I think -- if
18 you all have kids, I mean, I just think you
19 are making assumptions based on poundage,
20 apparently, that isn't necessarily, you know,
21 in touch with the realities with kids and
22 their clothes. But you know, if you know
23 that, Patsy, please tell them.
24 Why don't you go ahead and
25 restate your question.

1 Q. (By Mr. Morrissey) You purchased
2 these specifically for a person?
3 A. Okay.
4 MR. WOOD: Is that your
5 recollection?
7 MR. WOOD: Okay.
8 Q. (By Mr. Morrissey) And I assume
9 you wanted them to fit her and she be able
10 to wear them or there would be no sense in
11 purchasing them; right?
12 A. Right.
13 Q. Okay. Would the size that has
14 been described here be appropriate for the
15 size of the girl you purchased them for?
16 A. I was guessing at her size, so I
17 had hoped that they would be.
18 Q. Now, we have talked -- you know,
19 the fact that a boy may wear boxer shorts
20 that go down to his ankles --
21 A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
22 Q. --has nothing to do with girls,
23 when you purchase girl's panties; right?
24 MR. WOOD: Come on, Mitch.
25 Mitch --

1 THE WITNESS: I mean, if --
2 MR. WOOD: Don't answer that.
3 That's not a --
4 MR. MORRISSEY: It is different.
5 MR. WOOD: I made the statement
6 because of my kids, but let me just tell
7 you, my nine-year-old daughter likes to wear
8 my XL T-shirts. I mean, you are asking now
9 about the realm of kids, and I don't think
10 that is a factual question that she is
11 really here to give you information about.
12 MR. MORRISSEY: Mrs. Ramsey, I
13 never purchased a pair of girl's panties.
14 Okay.
15 Q. (By Mr. Morrissey) What do you
16 do, I mean, when you do that, what do you
17 think about as far as the person you're
18 purchasing them for?
19 A. Well, you just look, small,
20 medium, large, you know, and you pick the
21 one you think would most likely fit.
22 Q. And do they have age groups or
23 are they suggested for like a 10-year-old
24 through a 12-year-old or a 13-year-old
25 through a 15-year-old? Do they do it that

1 way too?
2 A. I never paid any attention if
3 they do.
5 Q. (By Mr. Kane) Let me ask it
6 this way. Did you say you bought more than
7 one set of Bloomi's?
8 A. I can't remember.
9 Q. You bought some for JonBenet?
10 A. I can't remember.
11 Q. Why is it that you remember
12 buying Bloomingdale's panties in November of
13 1996?
14 A. Because --
15 MR. WOOD: Because she remembers
16 it. I mean --
17 MR. KANE: Wait a second, Lin.
18 Would you please let her answer the question?
19 It is a simple question.
20 MR. WOOD: Why is it that you
21 remember something?
22 MR. KANE: Yes, why do you
23 remember --
24 MR. WOOD: Because she remembered.
25 Q. (By Mr. Kane) - that, that

1 detail?
2 A. Well, for starters, it has been
3 made such a big detail.
4 Q. Okay, well, that is my question.
5 A. I remember that I -- and I, you
6 know, we were kind of shopping around, and
7 it was close to Christmas season, so we
8 might pick up a little souvenir. I
9 bought -- I think I picked up a little
10 something for a baby-sitter, you know.
11 Q. Where was it that you became
12 aware that this was -- where was it that it
13 was made a big deal? What was the source
14 of your information that Bloomingdale's
15 panties somehow were significant that made
16 you then say, wait a second, did I ever buy
17 those?
18 MR. WOOD: Do you have a precise
19 recollection of that event occurring where
20 all of a sudden something happened and you
21 decided it was some big deal?
22 THE WITNESS: I don't know. I
23 mean, my first thought is something in the
24 tabloids, but, you know, they get everything
25 wrong, so --

1 Q. (By Mr. Kane) Okay. Were you
2 aware that these were the size of panties
3 that she was wearing, and this has been
4 publicized, it is out in the open, that they
5 were size 12 to 14? Were you aware of
6 that?
7 A. I have become aware of that, yes.
8 Q. And how did you become aware of
9 that?
10 A. Something I read, I am sure.
11 Q. And I will just state a fact
12 here. I mean, there were 15 pair of panties
13 taken out of, by the police, out of
14 JonBenet's panty drawer in her bathroom. Is
15 that where she kept -
16 A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
17 Q. -- where you were describing that
18 they were just put in that drawer?
19 A. Yes.
20 Q. Okay. And every one of those was
21 either a size four or a size six. Okay?
22 Would that have been about the size pair of
23 panties that she wore when she was six years
24 old?
25 A. I would say more like six to

1 eight. There were probably some in there
2 that were too small.
3 Q. Okay. But not size 12 to 14?
4 A. Not typically, no.
5 MR. KANE: Okay.
6 Q. (By Mr. Morrissey) And you
7 understand the reason we are asking this, we
8 want to make sure that this intruder did not
9 bring these panties with him, this was
10 something --
11 A. Right.
12 Q. - that was in the house.
13 A. Yes.
14 Q. And we are clear that, as far as
15 you know, that is something that was in this
16 house?
17 A. Yes.
18 Q. -- that belonged to your daughter,
19 these panties?
20 A. Correct.
21 Q. (By Ms. Harmer) Mrs. Ramsey,
22 have you ever seen a crime scene photo of
23 the underwear that your daughter was found
24 in?
25 A. No.

1 Q. Did Lou Schmidt ever show you a
2 photo?
3 A. No.
4 Q. (By Mr. Kane) I want to follow
5 up with something you said earlier. You
6 said she would have just gone in and gotten
7 a pair herself?
8 A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
9 Q. Okay. Was she -- did she usually
10 dress herself?
11 A. She was pretty much able to dress
12 herself.

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Patsy in Atlanta 4 - the panties [View All], jamesonadmin, 11:32 PM, Nov-04-03, (0)  
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Charter Member
1433 posts
Nov-05-03, 01:37 AM (EST)
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1. "This line of questioning seems reasonabl"
In response to message #0
   To determine if the panties were something Patsy purchased, and not something brought in by the perp. A question they should have asked (maybe they did later on)was: Did JonBenet know how to read the days of the week? If not, how did she know to pick the Wednesday ones? I assume they have the rest of the package of panties? Might also be interesting to know if she wore any of the other ones, previously. Could the perp have taken this one pair after rummaging through the house and switched them in the basement? If possible, then he entered on Wednesday, the 25th.

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one_eyed Jack
Member since May-7-03
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Nov-05-03, 08:17 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Patsy in Atlanta 4 - the panties"
In response to message #0
   This line of questioning appears to be for the purpose of having Patsy admit that she is aware the panties came from inside the home and to get her to come out with some ridiculous explanation about why Jonbenét was wearing underwear too large for her. Because of the elastic and stretchy material of panties, it is comfortable to wear a a quite wide size range without them falling around the ankles. Sheesh!

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Charter Member
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Nov-05-03, 09:17 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Patsy in Atlanta 4 - the panties"
In response to message #2
   It took seconds to determine the panties were owned by JonBenét, not brought in by the killer.

After that, the questioning was stupid - - how was that going to identify the killer?

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Charter Member
1948 posts
Nov-05-03, 10:32 AM (EST)
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4. "Get real."
In response to message #0
   >I have to wonder - - once you figure out that the panties
>belonged to JonBenét, why does it need to be discussed like
>this? I don't see this leading to the capture of the killer.

It is not intended to lead to the capture of the killer.
It is intended to wear down the witness, to remove some line of defense, to amplify some existing media speculation into something even more damaging, etc.

It can have alot of reasons, but not one of them is ever going to be "the capture of the killer". That is not the purpose of the proceedings.

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Charter Member
1433 posts
Nov-05-03, 10:26 PM (EST)
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5. "Well, I don't see any big ulterior"
In response to message #4
   motive. I don't know why I said "brought in by the perp." What I meant was the perp could have found the panties in the drawer, and put them on her. It's weird, but so is the whole crime. It could be another clue---or insight into the perp's mind. Would he have taken a pair of the panties to have proof of who he was and that he had JBR? Then put them on her, after his plan unravelled? If so, what happened to the ones she had on?

I don't know if JBR could read well enough to pick out Wednesday without any help. She was 6 and learning the alphabet. Could she spell the days of the week? Would she have asked someone which one was for Christmas Day? Had she picked out the correctly labelled panty before, for the correct day of the week?

How many pairs were purchased should have been easy enough to determine if they were charged. Where's the receipt? Or did Patsy carry around a big wad of cash in NYC?

If she had those panties on underneath velvet pants, there might be fibers on them.

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Charter Member
1433 posts
Nov-06-03, 02:27 AM (EST)
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6. "Could JonBenet Read?"
In response to message #5
   LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-03 AT 02:44 AM (EST)
From page 3, "Death of Innocence" (paperback edition):

John Ramsey wrote about opening presents on Christmas morning.....

"JonBenet asked for Burke's assistance with the name tags, since he could read and she couldn't. It was the most fun in the world, doling out the gifts and seeing whose pile would become the biggest."

It seems to me since she apparently could not read, and needed help with reading the name tags, that pursuing the line of questioning about JBR being found with panties with the correct day on them---Wednesday----was reasonable--particularly ones that were too big, and may have been the only ones removed from the package. I find that curious....and not necessarily any attempt to trip Patsy up. If JonBenet had asked for Burke's help reading the names on the gifts--wouldn't she also have asked for help in picking out the right pair of panties? Was it just coincidence that she grabbed the right pair? Could the perp have found them first, and taken the Wednesday panty out? Some kind of message that pointed to Christmas Day, since it fell on a Wednesday? Was he planning on using this in any further contact with the Ramseys--to prove he was who he said he was? ie: look in the drawer, and the Wednesday panties are missing?

The original question:

(By Mr. Levin) Ms. Ramsey, we
9 are going to move on to another area. And
10 what I want to discuss with you is the
11 underpants that JonBenet was wearing at the
12 time that she was discovered on the 26th.
13 We are going to try to get some background
14 information on those from you. Hopefully you
15 can help us out a little bit. Okay?

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Member since Jul-6-03
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Nov-06-03, 07:27 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: Could JonBenet Read?"
In response to message #6
   Where were the other panties from the tube? Shouldn't they have been in the drawer, the wash, or the suitcase? Is this another BPD lie to attempt to trip her up during questioning? What about Bloomi's in JB's size? Did they find any of those?

Does this have to do with the "changing underwear with friends" theory for the DNA in the underwear? Why are they barking up Patsy's tree for confirmation of this theory? Shouldn't they interview the White's and other parents of girls who played with JB to see if any of them had Bloomi's in a size 12?

As far as the days of the week on the underwear, these have been around since I was small. They usually are stitched in a different color for each day of the week. If JB learned which what color each day was, she could pick them out herself. Also, even if she couldn't read yet, she had probably been to kindegarten and at least begun to learn the alphabet, days of the week, months etc...

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Charter Member
1767 posts
Nov-06-03, 07:51 AM (EST)
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8. "large panties"
In response to message #7
   Perhaps the killer tried them on - a dog would at least be sniffing them.

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Charter Member
13618 posts
Nov-06-03, 08:44 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: large panties"
In response to message #8
   She was in Kindergarten - every day they would have put up the name of the week and the date and information on the weather... Wednesday LONGEST one to write and the only one starting with a W - I think after 3 months of school, she could have figured out which panties were the right ones for that day.

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1433 posts
Nov-06-03, 09:28 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Maikai Click to send private message to Maikai Click to add this user to your buddy list  
10. "Were the black fibers from"
In response to message #9
   the velvet pants even compared to the black fibers on the panties?

This may not be correct---I thought the other panties were in the package, and had never been worn. If that is the case, wouldn't it have been kind of special to put the Wednesday ones on--wouldn't JBR have mentioned that to someone?

There may be logical explanations for the panties----however, I can see why this was brought up again. JR's statement in the book said JBR could not read----the panties were too big---none of the pairs had been worn before (maybe)----and based on the day on the panties, they were put on that day, and Patsy couldn't remember anything about them that would be significant. It seems like there were unanswered questions, Kane et al wanted to clarify.

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Member since Jul-7-03
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Nov-07-03, 02:42 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Evening2 Click to send private message to Evening2 Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
11. "RE: I didn't know,,,,,"
In response to message #10
   that John and Patsy were out of town during the 1996 Christmas Parade. Who took care of the children during that time? Who took her to the parade? Who had contact with her at the parade and while her parents were gone?

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Charter Member
13618 posts
Nov-07-03, 10:50 PM (EST)
Click to EMail jameson Click to send private message to jameson Click to add this user to your buddy list  
12. "RE: I didn't know,,,,,"
In response to message #11
   Evening - the answers to your questions are coming up, I think. Later in Patsy's interview.

As for the rest of the panties - they were still inthe package. the police did not take them in as evidence - the Ramsey investigators did, however.

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