1 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Mrs. Ramsey, you,
2 you had cut evergreens, I believe, in a
3 bucket of water in your house during the
4 holidays. Do you recall that during
5 Christmas of '96, like boughs or --
6 A. Greenery, yeah, I decorate with
7 greenery.
8 Q. Greenery. Did you have garden
9 gloves that you wore when you were, when you
10 were -- I assume, you tell me if I am
11 wrong, I assume that you cut them off some
12 of your Evergreen trees outside?
13 A. Yeah.
14 Q. Do you wear gloves when you do
15 that?
16 A. No.
17 Q. And I know that you -- there were
18 some flower beds I believe that you
19 occasionally worked with, that you worked on
20 that were on, is it, the south side of the
21 house?
22 A. The rose, I think the roses.
23 Q. Did you wear gardening gloves when
24 you worked out in the yard?
25 A. Not usually. 180
1 Q. Did you own gardening gloves?
2 A. I don't think so, no.
3 Q. Do you recall ever seeing in your
4 house brown kind of work gloves, cotton?
5 A. Brown cotton? John had -- I
6 don't remember brown work gloves.
7 Q. Can you picture what I am talking
8 about?
9 MR. WOOD: Do you have a photo
10 maybe or something?
11 MR. LEVIN: No, I, we, we don't.
12 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Have you ever
13 seen, they are kind of a --
14 MR. WOOD: No, I don't think so.
15 You got to do better than that. You can
16 conjure up a zillion different brown work
17 gloves.
18 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Cotton brown work
19 gloves.
20 A. Cotton brown work gloves?
21 Q. Costs you about three bucks in
22 the grocery store. I am not creating any
23 images for you?
24 A. No.
25 Q. Okay.
1 MR. WOOD: Me either.
2 MR. LEVIN: We will just leave
3 that.
4 CHIEF BECKNER: Before we go too
5 far, for clarification for me, when you were
6 asked about wearing garden gloves, you said
7 not usually, I believe. Does that mean
8 sometimes you would?
9 THE WITNESS: I don't remember
10 doing that. I mean, I do wear them now
11 because now I am wearing these funny
12 fingernails, I don't want to get them messed
13 up, but I don't think I was doing it then.
14 So I don't, I don't ever remember -- I am
15 not a big gardener, so I didn't have all of
16 the trappings, you know, all of that stuff.
17 So I do not remember having any gardening
18 gloves.
19 Q. (By Mr. Kane) You started to say
20 that John had. John had what?
21 MR. WOOD: Let's see exactly what
22 she said.
23 MR. KANE: Lin, she said John had
24 30 seconds ago. What did John have?
25 MR. WOOD: Excuse me. The
1 question was, do you recall ever seeing in
2 your house brown kind of work gloves, cotton,
3 and you went brown cotton, and you said John
4 had, and you said I don't remember brown.
5 All I want to do is put it in the context
6 of what she said. Do you remember saying
7 that?
9 MR. WOOD: Now, Mr. Kane, go
10 right ahead.
11 Q. (By Mr. Kane) Now that you've
12 had time to think about it for a minute,
13 what did John have?
14 A. What kind of gloves did he have?
15 Q. What were you about to say? You
16 said John had.
17 A. John had ski gloves.
18 Q. (By Mr. Levin) In addition to
19 his ski gloves, Mrs. Ramsey, do you recall
20 John having any kind of work gloves that he
21 might have kept in the car if he had to
22 change a tire or anything like that?
23 A. No.
24 Q. Just for clarification, for the
25 record, when you say no, does that mean no,
1 you don't recall whether he did or didn't or
2 no, he did not own any work gloves?
3 A. I don't recall that he did. You
4 will have to ask him if he did.
5 Q. Fair enough. Thank you.
6 Mr. Morrissey?
7 Q. (By Mr. Morrissey) What color
8 were the ski gloves that you were thinking
9 about?
10 A. It seems to me like they were
11 black. I can't be sure, but I think they
12 were black. They were the puffy kind.
They were looking for brown work gloves because there are unmatched brown fibers on the tape and elsewhere - - they never could link them to the Ramseys.
Someone out there may suspect the killer - maybe they have the gloves somewhere - - if they do, I hope they put the gloves in a brown paper bag, tape it up and send it to the authorities.