Lin Wood: I
9 am looking through my notes here.
10 This is Chief Beckner's letter of
11 July the 13th. I believe we have made it
12 clear in our telephone conversation on
13 Friday, July the 7th, that our intent was to
14 not rehash old questions but that we still
15 had new questions on the prior evidence based
16 on new information and additional forensic
17 testing.
18 Now, I don't think it can be any
19 clearer. That is not a statement that we
20 have new questions based on information we
21 had prior to June of 1998 but we either
22 forgot to ask or Mr. Kane was not involved
23 in the case and would now like to ask.
24 I didn't come in here with my
25 client prepared to go into areas that I was 215
1 never told we would go into. This is very
2 clear that we are talking about subsequent to
3 June of 1998.
4 MR. KANE: So in other words --
5 MR. WOOD: Don't you agree it is
6 as clear as a bell, Mike?
7 MR. KANE: We have been talking
8 about December 26, 1996 all morning.
9 MR. WOOD: Well, now, wait a
10 minute, that's what I don't want to get into
11 where you're going to start claiming that
12 you're talking about a date certain now
13 you've got the right to do it. I made it
14 very clear when we talked about those dates
15 today that you were asking about forensic
16 tests that you got --
17 MR. KANE: Lin, you made it
18 clear.
19 MR. MORRISSEY: The new
20 information is in the book.
21 MR. KANE: And that's where I am
22 getting that.
23 MR. WOOD: Well, tell us where in
24 the book. That is not the question you
25 asked. You are talking about Linda Arndt.
1 MR. KANE: Okay. I am not going
2 to ask that question, Lin, because it's clear
3 you are not going to let her answer it.
4 MR. WOOD: It is not clear.
5 MR. KANE: So let the record
6 reflect you will not let her answer the
7 question.
8 MR. WOOD: No, no, no. We will
9 take a break. Let's take a break and make
10 sure we don't get off track.
11 MR. KANE: I said I'm withdrawing
12 the question.
13 MR. WOOD: We have been doing
14 pretty well today. Let's take a moment and
15 let everybody make sure we gather ourselves
16 and then let's take a five-minute break. I
17 don't want a problem that would disrupt this.
18 MR. KANE: You don't want a
19 problem, then let's get down to the
20 bottom --
21 MR. WOOD: Don't point your
22 finger or we will have a problem with this.
23 MR. KANE: Let's get down to the
24 bottom line of this. We're down here
25 purportedly because Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey want
1 to solve the murder of their daughter. To
2 get to that point, there is one prosecuting
3 authority that's got any -- that's got any
4 say in who gets prosecuted and when they get
5 prosecuted, and that's the Boulder Police and
6 the Boulder D.A.
7 Now, unless we get beyond Mr. and
8 Mrs. Ramsey, we are never going to get to
9 the end of this case. And if the purpose,
10 if your purpose in objecting is because you
11 don't want to answer any questions that might
12 reflect badly on them, well, then just simply
13 state it. But if the purpose --
14 MR. WOOD: That is so, pardon my
15 language, asinine, Michael.
16 MR. KANE: Then why are you not
17 letting, why are you throwing up these
18 artificial barriers?
19 MR. WOOD: No, sir.
20 MR. KANE: That is what you are
21 doing.
22 MR. WOOD: When you are finished,
23 then I'll respond. You let me know when you
24 are finished.
25 MR. KANE: You are throwing up an
1 artificial barrier to a simple question.
2 MR. WOOD: You are misrepresenting
3 what is happening here. Now, when you are
4 finished, I don't want to interrupt.
5 MR. KANE: The record will
6 reflect it.
7 MR. WOOD: The record will
8 reflect what Chief Beckner asked my clients
9 to do. I just read it verbatim from his
10 July the 13th letter. That's what he made
11 clear to us, that's what we agreed to do,
12 that's what I brought them in here prepared
13 to do.
14 MR. KANE: Okay.
15 MR. WOOD: I didn't, excuse me.
16 I did not bring them in here prepared to go
17 back and answer questions about things that
18 occurred prior to June of 1998 that you all
19 have known about all along and questioned
20 them about in June of 1998 for three days,
21 in April of 1997 for a day, and, fairly, if
22 that's what you wanted to do, then you
23 should have asked me that. I could have
24 discussed it with them. They could have
25 made a decision, which may very well have
1 been to come in and do that with you. I
2 don't know. But you didn't ask that.
3 Now, you can't sit in here today
4 and change the scope of what you asked for
5 and turn around, because we say you didn't
6 ask for it and we didn't agree, and then
7 make this accusatory statement that is
8 totally unsupported, and again, pardon my
9 language, it's an asinine statement, that I'm
10 objecting to questions the answers of which
11 might reflect adversely on my client.
12 I am going to try, and I've been
13 doing, to give you all of the leeway I can
14 within the framework of your request, but you
15 don't have the right, Mr. Kane, to come in
16 here and ask unfair questions, and you don't
17 have the right to come in here and ask
18 questions in subject matters that the Chief
19 didn't ask for when he asked for the
20 request. That's unfair, and I am not going
21 to let it happen today, and it doesn't mean
22 one thing in terms of it reflecting adversely
23 or otherwise on my clients. It's simply not
24 what you asked to do. Okay?
25 MR. KANE: I said I withdrew the
1 question.
2 MR. WOOD: No, but then you made
3 a speech. And then, well, usually as
4 lawyers go, one good speech deserves another.
5 Let's take two minutes now just so we can
6 try and catch some water and take a break.
7 All right? Because I usually, when we get
8 into a little back and forth, it's better to
9 get calmed down, stay focused and get the
10 information that you came here to do. Let's
11 take five minutes. All right?
12 MR. KANE: It is your office.
13 You do what you want.
14 MR. WOOD: Well, I'm not being
15 unfair about that. Anytime you say the same
16 thing, just look over to me and say let's
17 take five, okay?
18 MR. KANE: That is fine.
19 (WHEREUPON, a brief recess was taken