LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-03 AT 10:59 PM (EST)
I will just hit the highlights and comment - - feel free to join in 305
12 CHIEF BECKNER: Let me ask you
13 this. Do you recall seeing any of the
14 names, you don't have to tell me the name,
15 that said, ah, we know that person?
16 THE WITNESS: Well, of course
17 they looked at Bill McReynolds. We know
18 that person. They looked at Linda Hoffman
19 Pugh, the housekeeper, and some family
20 members of hers. They looked at Chris Wolf,
21 of course. You know, and then there are
22 some people that have a record, you know,
23 that are kind of not so nice people like
24 this Helgoth and -- I mean, there are lots
25 of other names like that.
1 MR. WOOD: How many names, Ollie,
2 are we talking about? How many names would
3 you state right now?
4 MR. GRAY: That I would recommend
5 them look at or something?
6 MR. WOOD: Yes.
7 MR. GRAY: There are probably
8 six.
9 MR. WOOD: Other than the ones
10 that Patsy just went through?
11 MR. GRAY: Yes.
12 MR. WOOD: I am familiar with
13 names, and I don't remember them, Chief.
14 That is why I say, if you want us to get
15 the names. Have they been provided to the
16 Chief?
17 MR. GRAY: Probably all except
18 the last couple, the Westminster that I told
19 you about and that kind of stuff.
20 MR. LEVIN: I would suggest that,
21 if we are talking six or eight people, that,
22 when we finish with Mrs. Ramsey and get
23 Mr. Ramsey, perhaps you or your investigator
24 could get that list and we could talk about
25 it then.
1 MR. WOOD: Okay.
2 MR. LEVIN: Just for purposes of
3 keeping things going.
4 MR. WOOD: Is that all right?
5 CHIEF BECKNER: That's fine, but
6 nothing sticks out in your mind in terms
7 of --
8 THE WITNESS: Well, the most
9 recent thing that sticks out in my mind is
10 that Ollie obtained the Hi-Tec boots that
11 belonged to Helgoth, and that was very, you
12 know, surprising to me that he came up with
13 those. And I just am real curious as to
14 whether that -- you know, I don't know how
15 much of a footprint you all have, but does
16 it match and what have you done with that.
17 CHIEF BECKNER: That is something
18 we are still looking into.
19 Was Helgoth known, when that name
20 came up, was Helgoth somebody you knew prior
21 to this investigation?
22 THE WITNESS: I don't know. I
23 don't know what his business was or -- I
24 don't know any more about him than that.
K&C was asking Patsy for the RST suspect list - - they were not coming to her with suspects they wanted information on - - - while I have no problem with them asking for what the Ramsey investigators had uncovered, I am waiting for K&C to come up with questions based on what their investigators had unearthed.
I would point out how uninformed Patsy was on Helgoth - - she sure was not aggressively pushing him as a #1 suspect - - even though she had to be aware of the fact that some people were very excited about the possibility that Helgoth could have been the one.
He was in the area. He had Hi-Tec boots and a stun gun. He had an interest in little girls being kidnapped and murdered (hidden in his tapes). He was dead and the situation was interesting to say the least. Listed as a suicide, some think it was murder. And the timing - - the day after the DA - Hunter - said that the killer had made mistakes, would be identified.
The Ramseys always remained an arm's length from the whole thing - - for whatever reason - and we shouldn't judge them for doing what they had to to survive - they didn't get that close.