VIDEO TECHNICIAN: The time is 11:15. We're back on the record. This is the beginning of tape
two. Q. (BY MR. WOOD) I think you told me this, but I want to make sure so we don't leave here with
any confusion on this point. Do you know whether the DNA of Chris Wolf was ever tested by law
enforcement authorities?
A. Once again, no, I don't have personal knowledge of that.
Q. Thank you. Do you have any knowledge, and I'm including not personal but secondhand, but did
you ever hear anything about whether his DNA was tested from anyone, doesn't have to be personal
knowledge to you, did you ever get it hearsay or otherwise that his DNA had been tested?
A. No, as I sit here right now, Mr. Wood, yeah, I don't have any recollection of any of --
conversation about Mr. Wolf's DNA testing.
Q. And I take it from what you've told me, you would have no idea why Tom Wickman might have
contacted Chris Wolf in 1999 asking him at the time that Wolf lived in New Orleans, asking him to
come by the Boulder Police Department on his next visit to Boulder; you would have no knowledge
about that, would you?
A. What was the time period?
Q. 1999.
A. No. No, of course not.
Q. Was in fact Chris Wolf investigated in any fashion by the Boulder Police Department in
connection with the murder of Susannah Chase?
A. I believe so, yes.
Q. Was he a suspect in this case?
A. Courtesy of Jackie Dilson, I believe so.
Q. And was he cleared with respect to the Susannah Chase murder?
A. Again, I believe so.
Q. Do you know why or on what basis he was cleared?
A. No.
Q. Did you ever get any hearsay from any of the detectives about what basis they relied on in
clearing Chris Wolf in either the Susannah Chase murder or the JonBenet Ramsey murder?
A. For some reason, and I don't know why this stands out, that Yamaguchi, the detective who led
the Chase murder, I believe, I think they had DNA evidence in that case.
Q. How about with the JonBenet Ramsey case, any hearsay as to what he -- the basis upon which
he was allegedly cleared?
A. No. If I'm answering the same question, yeah.
Q. Just trying to make sure I've got your answer down. You don't -- you didn't hear from a hearsay
standpoint, you didn't get anything from any of the detectives about the basis upon which he was
allegedly cleared by the department, right?
A. No, other than relying on Weinheimer's clearance of him.
Q. The statement that he is cleared?
A. Right.
Q. But you don't know why --
A. Right.
Q. -- or any basis, right?
A. That's correct.
Q. Secondhand or otherwise, correct?
A. Yes.
Q. Now, you do know that after the Boulder Police Department had investigated Mr. Wolf, that the
district attorney's office was still actively investigating an intruder theory and that Fleet White, Bill
McReynolds and Chris Wolf were on the top of their suspect list. You do know that to be true, don't
you, sir?
A. Yes.
Q. And that would have been in 1998?
A. As to when the DA's office was conducting this investigation?
Q. Yes.
A. They were doing a lot of things we were entirely unaware of. But if you're telling me they were
doing that in 1998, I won't contest it.
Q. Well, what you do know is that the Boulder Police Department investigated Chris Wolf as a
suspect and you know that even after the Boulder Police Department had investigated him that the
Boulder district attorney's office was still investigating Chris Wolf as a suspect and that he was, along
with Fleet White and Bill McReynolds, on the top of the DA's list?
MR. DIAMOND: Just for clarification, after the Boulder Police Department cleared him?
MR. WOOD: Yeah.
A. No, I don't know that time line. Certainly the DA investigators would but there was a period in
here where there -- this was not a hand-in- glove fit and there was not a lot of communication being
Q. (BY MR. WOOD) Timing aside, we can get clear agreement that Chris Wolf was from your
knowledge not only a suspect for the Boulder Police Department, but at the top of the list, along with
McReynolds and Fleet White, of the suspect list of the Boulder district attorney's office in its
investigation, true?
A. Certainly seemed to be.
Q. And that was your understanding and knowledge, right?
A. That they were still interested in those parties, yes.
Q. That Mr. Wolf was on the top of their suspect list, along with McReynolds and Fleet White?
A. That was my impression.
Q. And knowledge, I mean not just impression, you knew that as being a fact, didn't you?
A. Yeah, they were still investigating those three individuals.