(Recess taken from 5:45 p.m. to 5:55 p.m.) MR. WOOD: I will represent if you give me 25 minutes, I will be done in terms of my discovery
deposition of Mr. Thomas in the Wolf versus Ramsey case. I can't speak to Darnay, obviously, because
there was the issue, as you recall, about the testimonial deposition that is still in the process, indicated by
Judge Carnes to follow, but I'm done. In other words, I'm not going to go bang on Carnes and say, I
need 15, 20, 30 more minutes.
(Discussion off the record between deponent and Mr. Diamond.)
MR. WOOD: You wouldn't be coming back on my deposition. You would be coming back on Mr.
MR. DIAMOND: My understanding of the conference, and I think the record transcript will bear this
out, is that the hour that Mr. Hoffman asked for was his direct testimony for use at trial.
MR. WOOD: No, I disagree with you. I think Judge Carnes was clear I would have a discovery
deposition to be able to cross-examine on a testimonial deposition if Mr. Hoffman chooses to present
him by deposition at a trial or live at trial. Pretty clear. But be that as it may whether I'm right or wrong
MR. DIAMOND: I'm just speaking to whether Mr. Hoffman is now complete. And my view --
MR. WOOD: I don't know whether he intends to take a testimonial deposition or not, but there is
nothing that you and I can agree to that would prohibit him from doing so, nor do I think that I can sit
here and agree that I wouldn't come back and take a testimonial deposition. I'm trying to finish the
discovery deposition. I'm asking for, in effect, 15, 10 minutes or 18 minutes more than what I think I'm
entitled to.
MR. DIAMOND: Are you planning on taking a testimonial deposition?
MR. WOOD: I have no way to say that to you right now. I don't think Darnay could say that to you
right now. We're so far away from even knowing whether we'll ever have a testimony. This case
could come up on summary judgment, for gosh sakes, that could make us a year or two away from
even deciding that point, Chuck; isn't that fair?
MR. RAWLS: That's fair.
MR. DIAMOND: Let me consult for a moment. (Discussion off the record between Mr. Diamond
and the deponent.)
MR. WOOD: Let's go back on Thank you. I'll get it right here on the money. I'll mark it. You've got
25 minutes of tape left?
VIDEO TECHNICIAN: I have 35 minutes of tape left.
MR. DIAMOND: You get that on the record?
MR. WOOD: We know we've used it up. Nobody can try to sneak more than that extra ten in.
MR. DIAMOND: Just so the record is clear, we're agreeing to your proposal.
MR. WOOD: Thank you very much. I appreciate it. If the opportunity should ever present itself, I
would certainly consider like accommodation and consider more if necessary.
VIDEO TECHNICIAN: The time is 5:58. We're back on the video depo.