Q. The 245, 246, you talk about your headlights sweeping across JonBenet's grave and you see the
marble headstone "JonBenet Patricia Ramsey, August 6th, 1990-December 25, 1996. It was a clue
from nowhere." And as I understand it, the clue was that the dates on the grave was a statement by
the parents that JonBenet had died before midnight, right? A. This is gravesite surveillance number two that we're talking about, right?
Q. I'm talking about -- I'm talking about right here on page 245 and then at the top of 246 "It was a
clue from nowhere." "For some reason the parents were stating that JonBenet had died before
A. Right.
MR. DIAMOND: Take as much time as you need to put that in context.
Q. (BY MR. WOOD) If the parents had placed the date of December 26, 1996 on the tombstone
of their daughter, would you have concluded that it was a clue from nowhere because for some reason
the parents were stating that JonBenet had died after midnight?
A. It was a clue I think in either event given the information immediately subsequent to, it was a
clue from nowhere, I think -- no, it doesn't. But given the questionable time of death and how we were
trying to tie that at times to the digestion of this pineapple certainly made this a clue.
Q. But it would have been a clue of the 26th if they had chosen the 26th, right, if they were saying it
was a clue to you as a detective in a homicide case that they're stating she died after midnight because
they put December 26th, that's the way you would have interpreted it, right?
A. I don't know because knowing what I knew then is different than what I know, but standing in my
shoes in that cemetery on this particular night this was something unknown to us at the time because
the Ramseys, to my knowledge, had never indicated a date of death and this thus became a clue from
Q. Have you ever seen a tombstone where it has alternative dates of death, sir?
A. Never.
Q. Don't you think John and Patsy Ramsey had to make a choice, and they chose December 25th,
that potentially had nothing to do with their trying to make a statement about when she died; did you
ever consider that?
A. Actually, I heard them make just such a statement -- or make such a statement saying -- he was
trying to make a statement putting down December 25.
Q. To remind people of what happened in effect at Christmas to his child?
A. That's my understanding.
Q. But not to state that she died before midnight. As I understand it, the only way under your clue
analysis as a homicide detective that the Ramseys could have avoided being accused one way or the
other would have been had they put on there December 25 or December 26, 1996; is my logic right?
A. No, it's not right. As I just explained knowing what I knew then standing there looking at it, it
appeared to me that here was a clue that she died on December 25.
MR. WOOD: Why don't we take a break. I think I'm down to about 15 minutes, and I would like to
kind of look and see where I am and what we might do to wrap this thing up.
VIDEO TECHNICIAN: The time is 5:45. We're going off the record.
(Recess taken from 5:45 p.m. to 5:55 p.m.)