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Subject: "Thomas depo 6 - Don Foster"     Previous Topic | Next Topic
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Conferences Deposition discussion Topic #42
Reading Topic #42
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11546 posts
May-16-03, 05:50 PM (EST)
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"Thomas depo 6 - Don Foster"
   LAST EDITED ON May-18-03 AT 04:20 PM (EST)
Q. Now, what was Don Foster's -- did he give a written report to you on Chris Wolf's handwriting?

A. He may have. That would be in the Boulder Police Department.

Q. Did you -- do you recall ever reviewing it?

A. I may or may not have. I know that we took him handwriting of several potential suspects. But
no, as I sit here today, I don't recollect Mr. Foster or Dr. Foster's written report on Chris Wolf.

Q. Did Don Foster examine hundreds of writing examples from people ranging from family members
to Internet addicts, from neighbors to Chris Wolf to the McReynolds family and a library of books, films
and videotapes?

A. Yes.

Q. Do you know what he concluded with respect to each of the individuals that he analyzed?

A. Yeah, that they were not the author of the ransom note.

Q. He eliminated everybody, Don Foster did, didn't he?

A. But one, yes.

Q. Right. In fact Don Foster told you that of all of the hundreds of people of the samples that he had
looked at that he had conclusively eliminated everybody and that it was impossible for anyone to have
written that note other than Patsy Ramsey; that's what Don Foster told you, right?

A. Those are your words, not his, but I --

Q. Excuse me.

A. If I could finish.

Q. Yeah, you sure can.

A. He stated unequivocally that she was the author of the ransom note.

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Thomas depo 6 - Don Foster [View All], jamesonadmin, 05:50 PM, May-16-03, (0)  
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11546 posts
May-16-03, 06:02 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Thomas depo 6 - Don Foster (short)"
In response to message #0
   Q. I want to go back. I told you I would do it, let's do it now. Look at page 281 of your book,
please, the hardback copy. The top of the page, the first actually it starts with "Don Foster from
Vassar." Do you see it?

A. Yes.

Q. The first paragraph there under that starts "'In my opinion, it is not possible that any individual
except Patsy Ramsey wrote the ransom note.'" Have I read that correctly?

A. Yes.

Q. Earlier we were talking about whose words. Don Foster stated that it was impossible for anyone
else to have written the note except Patsy Ramsey, true?

A. This is his statement, yes, sir.

Q. It was not -- and so I was accurate earlier, that he said to you it's impossible that anyone else
wrote it?

A. Well, when I asked about your earlier quotation, I don't think you said this verbatim. But --

Q. Fine. But he did tell you it was impossible, didn't he, it was not possible, which is saying to you as
a detective, it's impossible that anyone else wrote it according to Don Foster, right?

A. Yes, that was the conclusion that he shared with me, Mr. Wood.

Q. But when you worked with him, and you worked with him a lot, didn't you? You all spent a
considerable amount of time discussing this case, didn't you, you and Don Foster?

A. When you say considerable amount of time, you know, no, I didn't spend weeks or days with Don
Foster, but he was an outside expert that we used in this case, yes.

Q. At any time did Don Foster, himself, ever disclose to you that he had written a letter to Patsy

A. Yeah, I became aware of that at some point.

Q. After the district attorney's office presented you with the information about Jameson, true?

A. I believe that's correct.

Q. Did Don Foster when you were working with him for whatever period of time you spent with
him, when he was giving you his conclusions about the JonBenet Ramsey case and the impossibility that
anybody else wrote that note except Patsy Ramsey, did he ever look at you and say, you know, you
probably ought to know, though, that I did write a letter to Patsy Ramsey where I told her that I was
convinced that she was innocent? He never told you that, did he?

A. We had that conversation at some point.

Q. After he had already been outed by the Boulder DA, true?

A. Possibly.

Q. Do you think you had it before then and didn't disclose it to your police department in the

A. No, that sounds reasonable.

Q. You would have if you would have known it, you would have told the police department about
that in the June presentation, wouldn't you, sir?

A. Right.

Q. Well, actually the presentation with Foster was in March, wasn't it?

A. If we're talking about 1998.

Q. We are.

A. It was the spring of 1998.

Q. Right.

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11546 posts
May-16-03, 10:44 PM (EST)
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2. "more on Foster"
In response to message #1
   Q. Mr. Thomas, are you aware of the fact that Patsy Ramsey was asked to give what is known as
request samplers to the police on more than one occasion during the investigation?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. Do you know how many times she was -- on how many different occasions she was asked to
give request samples of her handwriting to the police?

A. If my understanding is correct, I think it was five.

Q. Do you know why she was asked to give five separate handwriting samples on five separate

A. That was not my assignment, but given what I knew through the briefings and the detectives who
were handling that assignment I could speculate as to why it became known to me.

Q. Did anybody through hearsay or any other way communicate with you why they were asking
Patsy Ramsey to appear on more than one occasion to give exemplars?

A. Yes.

Q. Could you tell me why?

A. Yes. Because apparently the CBI examiner, analyst, expert, had questions or concerns about her
handwriting and similarities with the note.

Q. Did anybody ever express the belief that she was attempting to alter her handwriting?

A. Yes, Don Foster.

Q. Any other person in the investigation?

A. And, again, as I sit here, from memory and without the QD examiner's reports in front of me, Mr.
Hoffman, let me think for a moment. No, not that I can recall.

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May-17-03, 09:35 PM (EST)
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3. "mid-depo on Foster"
In response to message #2
   Q. At what point in time did you say I think Patsy Ramsey killed her daughter?

A. I think the evidence led me to those conclusions and further strengthened my belief in the early
months of 1997.

Q. When in 1997, the early months, what does that mean? Tell me what that means with some
specificity, please, sir.

A. There was not a defining moment in which the bell rang and I noted the date and time. Early in
1997 it became more and more apparent to me that that's where the abundance of evidence was

Q. And you were heavily influenced in that determination by the conclusion of John Foster, weren't
you, sir?

A. Don Foster?

Q. Don Foster, yeah.

A. No, he did not come on board for I think almost another year.

Q. Right. So you had decided in your mind's eye that Patsy Ramsey killed her daughter many
months before Don Foster made the appearance as a consultant in the case, right?

A. Again, Mr. Wood, as I said, I felt there was an abundance of evidence pointing in that direction.
And that became -- and others viewed it the same way, incidentally. And, yes, in those early months of
'97, she looked pretty good for that.

Q. Yes, sir. Thank you. But that doesn't answer my question. You had decided in your mind's eye
that Patsy Ramsey killed her daughter many months before Don Foster made his appearance as a
consultant in the case, true?

A. I felt that she was the best suspect, yes, many months prior to Don's... Foster's involvement.

Q. Plaintiff's Exhibit Number 2 is Mr. Foster's letter to my client, Patsy Ramsey. Have you seen
that letter before?

A. I haven't looked at it yet.

Q. Do you think there was more than one?

MR. DIAMOND: Can you hold on a second?

MR. WOOD: Did I call that Plaintiff's Exhibit 2, it's Defendants' Exhibit 2, excuse me.

MR. SMITH: I don't have any --

MR. WOOD: I can't hear you. I can assume the general gist of what you're saying.


MR. WOOD: Do you want to go off the record to save tape?

MR. DIAMOND: No, I will be done in a second. How are you doing?

THE DEPONENT: Yeah, I'm keeping up with you on it.

MR. DIAMOND: Do you want to give him a moment to look at it?

Q. (BY MR. WOOD) If you want to look at it, we can take a break instead of wasting tape
because I don't want it to count against my time?

MR. DIAMOND: If you show him a document he has a right to read it. If you only come with one
we've got to read it one at a time. This is your time use it the way you want.

MR. WOOD: Every road goes in two directions, Mr. --

MR. DIAMOND: Diamond.

MR. WOOD: Diamond, is that your name? I'm sorry, I forgot it just momentarily. Why don't we take
a five-minute break and let him read that. I need to go to the restroom anyway.

VIDEO TECHNICIAN: The time is 3:48. We're going off the record.

(Recess taken from 3:48 p.m. to 3:53 p.m.)

VIDEO TECHNICIAN: The time is 3:53. We're back on the record.

Q. (BY MR. WOOD) Defendants' Exhibit Number 2, you've had an opportunity to review it during
the break?

A. Yes.

Q. That is what you recall being as being a true and correct copy of a letter that was subsequently
brought to your attention at some point in the investigation that Mr. Foster, Don Foster, had written to
Patsy Ramsey in June of 1997?

A. I had only seen the first page of that.

Q. Does the first page appear to be a true and correct copy of that page that you saw?

A. Yes.

MR. DIAMOND: Did you get an audible response?

MR. WOOD: I thought he said yes. Did you get a yes?


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Charter Member
11546 posts
May-17-03, 09:37 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: mid-depo on Foster"
In response to message #3
   Unbelievable that he would depnd so much on Foster...

No, I take it back... Foster said what he wanted to hear and Thomas was not about to investigate his source and risk losing that "creditable" source. (Larry Schiller's word for Foster - - not credible but "creditable'.)

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May-18-03, 02:03 PM (EST)
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5. "AMAZING!!!!!!! ABSURD!!!!!!"
In response to message #4
   Q. Page 284 -- let me ask you before I go there, during Mr. Foster's presentation, did he talk to you
all about the Dirty Harry movie and the references in the ransom note to it by talking about the fact that
the Ramseys' favorite movie was Animal House and there was a scene in Animal House where
somebody drove a car through the campus and hit a fire hydrant and there was a similar scene in Dirty
Harry like that. Do you recall that?

A. I recall something vaguely similar to that where he was discussing events out of motion pictures.

Q. Didn't you think that was borderline on the absurd, sir, to tie Dirty Harry to the Ramseys because
they liked the movie Animal House and it had a scene in it where somebody ran into a fire hydrant?
Didn't you think that was literally absurd or did you think that was good forensic testing?

A. Taken out of context as you represent it today it --

Q. Put it into context, if you would, please.

MR. DIAMOND: Let him finish his answer, please. Go ahead.

A. Taken out of context as you represented today, that may seem odd. But at the time, it was a part
of his presentation. And I don't recall my observation being how you described it as fantastic or
incredible or whatever term you used.

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11546 posts
May-18-03, 04:20 PM (EST)
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6. "."
In response to message #5
   Q. Didn't it bother you a little bit about putting Don Foster's name on this in light of the letter that we
looked at today that you've never even seen the second and third pages of --

A. No.

Q. -- Mr. Thomas?

A. No.

Q. Do you still think he's the best linguistic expert in the country?

A. He still does work for law enforcement and seems to be highly regarded and I certainly respect
Dr. Foster.

Q. Did you all send that letter to the FBI and let them know about what Mr. Foster had said to Patsy

A. What letter is that?

Q. The letter that I just showed you today that you had only seen the first page of?

A. I did not.

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11546 posts
May-23-03, 04:13 PM (EST)
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7. "Have you read this?"
In response to message #6
   Remember, Foster was THE KEY WITNESS going into the grand jury according to Carol McKinley and her police source (that we now know was Steve Thomas.)

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unregistered user
May-23-03, 04:36 PM (EST)
8. "Altering her writing?"
In response to message #7
   Now how on earth would this Don Foster character know anything at all about "altering her handwriting"? Doesn't he only analyze the content of the text and not the handwriting itself?

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11546 posts
May-23-03, 04:38 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Altering her writing?"
In response to message #8
   Right - - Foster is not a handwriting expert - - he just plays one for the BPD.

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unregistered user
May-23-03, 04:50 PM (EST)
10. "RE: Altering her writing?"
In response to message #9
   Well, if the BPD send me a check I will offer them whatever opinion on the handwriting they would like to hear. The fact that I am not qualified to render an expert opinion shouldn't bother them at all.

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May-23-03, 09:51 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Altering her writing?"
In response to message #10
   Q. I want to go back. I told you I would do it, let's do it now. Look at page 281 of your book,
please, the hardback copy. The top of the page, the first actually it starts with "Don Foster from
Vassar." Do you see it?

A. Yes.

Q. The first paragraph there under that starts "'In my opinion, it is not possible that any individual
except Patsy Ramsey wrote the ransom note.'" Have I read that correctly?

A. Yes.

Q. Earlier we were talking about whose words. Don Foster stated that it was impossible for
anyone else to have written the note except Patsy Ramsey, true?

A. This is his statement, yes, sir.

Q. It was not -- and so I was accurate earlier, that he said to you it's impossible that anyone else
wrote it?

A. Well, when I asked about your earlier quotation, I don't think you said this verbatim. But --

Q. Fine. But he did tell you it was impossible, didn't he, it was not possible, which is saying to you
as a detective, it's impossible that anyone else wrote it according to Don Foster, right?

A. Yes, that was the conclusion that he shared with me, Mr. Wood.

Q. But when you worked with him, and you worked with him a lot, didn't you? You all spent a
considerable amount of time discussing this case, didn't you, you and Don Foster?

A. When you say considerable amount of time, you know, no, I didn't spend weeks or days with
Don Foster, but he was an outside expert that we used in this case, yes.

Q. At any time did Don Foster, himself, ever disclose to you that he had written a letter to Patsy

A. Yeah, I became aware of that at some point.

Q. After the district attorney's office presented you with the information about Jameson, true?

A. I believe that's correct.

Q. Did Don Foster when you were working with him for whatever period of time you spent with
him, when he was giving you his conclusions about the JonBenet Ramsey case and the impossibility
that anybody else wrote that note except Patsy Ramsey, did he ever look at you and say, you know,
you probably ought to know, though, that I did write a letter to Patsy Ramsey where I told her that I
was convinced that she was innocent? He never told you that, did he?

A. We had that conversation at some point.

Q. After he had already been outed by the Boulder DA, true?

A. Possibly.

Q. Do you think you had it before then and didn't disclose it to your police department in the

A. No, that sounds reasonable.

Q. You would have if you would have known it, you would have told the police department about
that in the June presentation, wouldn't you, sir?

A. Right.

Q. Well, actually the presentation with Foster was in March, wasn't it?

A. If we're talking about 1998.

Q. We are.

A. It was the spring of 1998.

But I think a lot of it was Thomas' own fault - - he didn't seem to be open to anything not BORG - - we know from his own book that when Foster brought up Hunter and other suspects he was told to stay on track, ignore all that. Even later, when Thomas did become aware of the letters and all - - he didn't look beyond the first page?

I was in Boulder the first time I saw his letter to Patsy - - I was allowed to hold a copy, read it - - but not to take notes or make a copy - - and I read every word. I don't understand how Thomas could stop at page one - - except he just didn't want to know.

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unregistered user
May-24-03, 10:55 AM (EST)
12. "Truly incredible......"
In response to message #11
   Who else did Foster compare the note to? His past experience has been comparing known writings to other writings, to see simiarities in grammar, words, and phrases. He had a lot of prose to compare--in other words, large samples. Even we figured out who the leak was to Vanity Fair, by comaring direct quotes in the article, to statements ST made in his book and on TV---and that was without any handydandy computers doing the work for us.

The Animal House reference is ridiculous. So is the fact that you can't write what you don't know, and there were specific references to movie lines from extortion type movies, that the Ramseys did not watch. If Foster was truly using linquistics, then the screenwriters from at least Speed and Dirty Harry should have been suspects.

Remember in the Dowaliby case, where the police actually got a credible doctor from a credible institution to say the son had bruises and evidence of assault? And as a result he was taken out of the home? Fortunately there were photos of the son WITHOUT bruises that were taken....which made the doctor's story unravel. Turns out she was influenced by the detectives who said without a doubt they had evidence the parents murdered Jacqueline......lo and behold the doctor then came up with the bogus assessment of the son, to get him out of the house.

It's quite evident, IMO, ST was shopping for witnesses to support his theory---and we all know you'll find one. What's incredible is he actually presented this and thought this was "evidence."

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unregistered user
May-24-03, 12:53 PM (EST)
13. "RE: Truly incredible......"
In response to message #12
   >What's incredible is he actually presented this and thought this was "evidence."

I don't think he really thought much of its 'quality',,, only that it pointed in the "right" direction!

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Charter Member
11546 posts
May-24-03, 03:25 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: Truly incredible......"
In response to message #13
   Remember in the Dowaliby case, where the police actually got a credible doctor from a credible
institution to say the son had bruises and evidence of assault? And as a result he was taken out of
the home? Fortunately there were photos of the son WITHOUT bruises that were taken....which made
the doctor's story unravel. Turns out she was influenced by the detectives who said without a doubt
they had evidence the parents murdered Jacqueline......lo and behold the doctor then came up with
the bogus assessment of the son, to get him out of the house.

I think it is this kind of witness tampering that caused Fleet White to turn on his friends. The cops said certain things were fact - and they weren't. I really believe this is true. Only wish Fleet White was more open about talking - I think if he was honest, he'd say I was right.

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unregistered user
May-24-03, 04:01 PM (EST)
15. "Excerpt from the letter"
In response to message #0
   as reported in the Denver Post:

Letter to Patsy Ramsey

Excerpts of Vassar College professor and handwriting expert Donald Foster's June 18, 1997, letter to Patsy Ramsey:

• "I am terribly sorry for your irremediable loss. JonBenet was a remarkably charming and talented little girl, and I believe that you were an ideal mother, wise, protective, caring, truly devoted."

• "I know that you are innocent -- know it, absolutely and unequivocally. I would stake my professional reputation on it -- indeed, my faith in humanity."

• "I know that you are innocent. It has become obvious to me that you loved JonBenet very much, and that you always will, and that you would never harm her, even when angry. But those two interviews, and some of the advice given to you by your attorneys, certainly harmed you, damaging your reputation in ways that you could not have anticipated. You can be vindicated. You will be vindicated.

"I have also looked closely at police disclosures concerning the unpublished ransom note. My study of the incomplete transcript leads me to believe that you did not write it, and that police are wasting their time by trying to prove that you did. Unless police have misreported the note, it appears to have been written by a young adult with an adolescent imagination overheated by true crime literature and Hollywood literature, and by someone having prior issues with you and your husband. The near universal belief among ordinary Americans -- a view encouraged by police behavior -- is that you wrote the letter to protect the person who murdered your daughter. I find that impossible to believe."

• "I do not wish to intrude where my counsel is not wanted, but I am ready to assist you. At the very least, I think I can exonerate you from a presumption of guilt with respect to the ransom note. I may also be able to assist you in seeking justice for JonBenet. I do not want any money from you, now or never. I just want to stop this person from killing again, and to exonerate those who are innocent."

• "My only request is that you keep our exchange absolutely private. I don't know whom I can trust -- but I do feel quite sure that you were sincere when you said that you wish to expose the killer. In fact, I already have a pretty well-formed opinion about who killed your daughter and where he is hiding out."

April 11, 2000

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May-24-03, 11:39 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: Excerpt from the letter"
In response to message #15
   "My only request is that you keep our exchange absolutely private. I don't know whom I can trust --
but I do feel quite sure that you were sincere when you said that you wish to expose the killer. In
fact, I already have a pretty well-formed opinion about who killed your daughter and where he is hiding

April 11, 2000

He was accusing John Andrew - and he thought John Andrew was hiding in NC and posting as jameson. What an ass.

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unregistered user
May-24-03, 11:57 PM (EST)
17. "An ass that apparently"
In response to message #16
   was going to be a star witness for the BPD! Doesn't make any sense to me whatsover.

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unregistered user
May-25-03, 01:28 PM (EST)
18. "RE: Excerpt from the letter"
In response to message #16
   This ass is very well-kown and respected professor. You are publicy known as a Code6 Wignut.

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unregistered user
May-25-03, 01:45 PM (EST)
19. "Fame and Fortune"
In response to message #18
   >very well-kown and respected professor.
Actually, I don't think he was that well known and most certainly would not describe him as well respected then. I don't think anyone would describe him as well-respected now.
In his chosen field he seems to be at best mediocre. There has been no press release issued by Shakespeare tht would give us a final statement on the matter, but all, repeat, all Shakespearean scholars reject Foster's attribution of authorship.

Now as to 'fortune', I understand that this Foster character tried to work for the Ramseys until such time as he found out that he would have to work for free at which time he tried to work for the BPD/DA team since they were more likely to pay him.

>You are publicy known as a Code6 Wignut.
A great many posters are oft maligned, particularly when they oppose the conventional wisdom and stand defiantly in the path of the lynch mob.

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unregistered user
May-25-03, 02:01 PM (EST)
20. "RE: Fame and Fortune"
In response to message #19
   "There has been no press release issued by Shakespeare tht would give us a final statement on the matter, but all, repeat, all Shakespearean scholars reject Foster's attribution of authorship."

Didn't even Foster retract his attribution of authorship last year?

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11546 posts
May-25-03, 08:43 PM (EST)
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21. "he is rejoicing"
In response to message #20
   June 20, 2002
A Scholar Recants on His 'Shakespeare' Discovery


In 1995 Donald Foster, a professor of English at Vassar College, made a startling case for
Shakespeare's being the author of an obscure 578-line poem called "A Funeral Elegy." After a front-page
article about his methods of computer analysis in The New York Times — and after his reputation was
further burnished by unmasking Joe Klein as the author of "Primary Colors" — the poem was added to
three major editions of Shakespeare's works.

Now, in a stunning development that has set the world of Shakespeare scholarship abuzz, Professor
Foster has admitted he was wrong. In a message dated June 12 and quietly left last Thursday on the
Internet discussion group Shaksper (www.shaksper.net), he said that another poet and dramatist was the
more likely author of the poem. He was joined in his recantation by Richard Abrams, a professor of
English at the University of Southern Maine, who has been his close associate in the Shakespeare
attribution. In their messages, both conceded the main point of an article in the May issue of The Review
of English Studies by Gilles D. Monsarrat, a professor of languages at the University of Burgundy in
France, a translator and editor of Shakespeare's works in French, and a co-editor of "The Nondramatic
Works of John Ford."

The article compares the text of the poem with Ford's known work and concludes that the writing is
Ford's. Professor Montserrat's method seems to derive from a close reading of the texts, rather than the
kind of computer analysis Professor Foster uses.

John Ford (1586-1640) is best known for his later dramatic works, like " 'Tis Pity She's a Whore,"
but earlier he was a writer of memorial verse.

"I know good evidence when I see it and I predict that Monsarrat will carry the day," Professor Foster
told the more than 1,300 members of Shaksper. "No one who cannot rejoice in the discovery of his
own mistakes deserves to be called a scholar."

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unregistered user
May-25-03, 08:47 PM (EST)
22. "RE: he is rejoicing"
In response to message #21
   LOL Is this Foster's way of clinging to the title of scholar, by admitting he's a bad one?

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11546 posts
May-25-03, 08:48 PM (EST)
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23. "RE: he is rejoicing"
In response to message #21
   And as for me being called a "Code-6 Wingnut" - - that is what Foster called me as I discredited him in the Ramsey case.

I laughed at that, I figured anyone reading the book could smell the sickly sweet odor of sour grapes rotting...

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unregistered user
May-25-03, 08:54 PM (EST)
24. "RE: he is rejoicing"
In response to message #23
   He can call you anything he wants, but based on his track record, he's bound to be wrong.
Besides, I think he's earned a Code 10 Wingnut El Supremo.

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