#0, John in Atlanta - 7
Posted by jameson on Nov-03-03 at 12:57 PM
87 7 Q. (By Chief Beckner) What about 8 your relationship with John and Barbara 9 Furnham -- 10 A. It was -- they were good friends. 11 We spent a fair amount of time together. 12 They were good family friends. 13 Q. Are they still good friends? 14 A. Well, we certainly consider them 15 friends. Barbara had some emotional problems 16 before this all happened, and John wrote us, 17 I don't know, I guess months later and said 18 that Barbara is having difficulty dealing 19 with this and please ask Patsy not to write 20 her or respond to her. 21 I have talked to John a few 22 times, but not, not recently. 23 Q. Since June of '98, have you 24 talked to John? 25 A. Possibly. I don't remember 88 1 specifically, but I have talked to him 2 probably twice, I guess. 3 Q. By telephone? 4 A. By telephone. 5 Q. (By Mr. Wickman) John, I asked 6 this of Patsy earlier this morning. Since 7 you relocated to Atlanta, have there been any 8 threats to you, to her, or to Burke? 9 A. There have been. In fact, I just 10 got one last night on the internet. The guy 11 was in New York and said if I ever came to 12 New York, I was done for. 13 We've had people come to our 14 door -- I mean to our home. We put a gate 15 up. But what has been uplifting for us is 16 that, in the last three and a half years, 17 virtually everyone who has approached us has 18 been kind and sympathetic. 19 But we would get occasional hate 20 letters. We haven't gotten many, haven't 21 gotten too many recently other than the one 22 last night. Barb Fernie was very upset over this situation and things got worse, I understand, as the police tried to influence her.... She has requested that she be left alone and I believe everyone has done that. I hope she finds peace in what she kows for herself - I hope she is able to ignore the clammering of fools.
#1, RE: John in Atlanta - 7
Posted by jameson on Nov-03-03 at 12:59 PM
In response to message #0
88 23 Q. I was in discussion with an 24 Atlanta detective probably a year and a half 25 ago about some guy beating on your door in 89 1 order to meet somebody -- I don't know if it 2 was you or Patsy -- at the club or 3 something. Do you remember that? 4 A. Yeah. Yeah. I remember that. 5 That was one of the, he rang our doorbell 6 basically at 2:00 in the morning and said, I 7 saw the lights were on so I figured we were 8 up. We had an intercom system. He said I 9 have got critical information. Well, it's 10 2:00, we will meet you. I think he said 11 yes to that and we called the Atlanta police 12 and I guess they contacted you. 13 Q. Yeah, and I don't remember, but I 14 don't think it panned out. 15 A. No. The Atlanta police came back 16 that afternoon and said the guy was 17 certifiable, and we never heard from him 18 again. So some tips were checked out and found to come from people with mental problems - happens in every case. I am glad the Atlanta police checked it out.
#2, RE: John in Atlanta - 7
Posted by jameson on Nov-03-03 at 01:06 PM
In response to message #1
89 19 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Mr. Ramsey, your 20 wife told us that there was a college 21 student that was staying with the Steins, I 22 believe, named Nathan I*****? 23 MR. WOOD: It was a reference in 24 the book. 25 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Okay. Had you, 90 1 prior to the murder of your daughter, had 2 you had any contact with him? 3 A. Yeah. We would see him at their 4 house. He would drive the kids to school 5 occasionally in a carpool, Patsy would take 6 them, sometimes, Susan would sometimes or 7 Nathan would take them. 8 Q. Was there anything unusual about 9 his conduct -- and I am asking for your 10 contemporaneous impression, and then I'm going 11 to ask you about the post-murder impression. 12 Your contemporaneous impression of Mr. Inouwe 13 I assume was favorable if you let him drive 14 your kids to school? 15 A. Yes. He was a very, very kind, 16 nice person. 17 Q. Keeping in mind that you told us 18 that you are suspicious of everyone, is there 19 anything in particular about Mr. I*****, 20 using the power of hindsight, that causes you 21 today to be particularly suspicious of him? 22 A. Nothing specifically in terms of 23 his actions or what he said. Have I 24 eliminated him? No, I haven't. I thought 25 about that from time to time, but I don't 91 1 consider him of strong, strong interest. Again, I don't see John throwing anyone under the bus or accusing anyone. he is answering questions and being honest. He doesn't know who killed his daughter - is not accusing anyone but is not ready to swear anyone is innocent either.
#3, RE: John in Atlanta - 7
Posted by jameson on Nov-03-03 at 01:09 PM
In response to message #2
91 2 Q. We asked Mrs. Ramsey about the 3 Bloomi's underpants that JonBenet was wearing 4 when she was found murdered, and we are 5 trying to kind of track those from purchase 6 to her. And again, I suspect you probably 7 don't have detailed information -- 8 A. No. 9 Q. -- about your child's underwear, 10 but you can see why I need to ask the 11 questions; right? 12 A. Right. 13 Q. We believe that they were 14 purchased in November of 1996. Were you 15 aware of their existence before JonBenet's 16 death? 17 A. No, but I wouldn't have been. 18 But I mean, I -- what I know is what was 19 asked of Patsy when she said, you know, we 20 were on a trip to New York. She bought 21 them and I think had planned to give them to 22 her niece, who is older than JonBenet, and 23 then they, for some reason, decided that 24 JonBenet would have them. I don't know if 25 she wanted them or if Patsy gave them to 92 1 her, but -- 2 Q. The niece that they were purchased 3 for, I think, was Jenny D****? 4 A. Uh-huh (affirmative). 5 Q. Do you recall approximately how 6 big she was in 1996? I know it is a tough 7 question. 8 A. She's either a junior or a senior 9 in high school now. And she's fairly 10 stocky. 11 Q. Was there anything about the 12 Bloomi's underwear that was particularly, 13 other than the fact that they come from 14 Bloomingdale's, fascinating that caused them 15 to be, you know, JonBenet would talk about 16 them or something, like I have these cool 17 panties that have the days of the week, 18 anything that would direct your attention to 19 them? 20 A. No, no. 21 Q. As far as the size, they were for 22 an 85-pound girl. Were you aware she was 23 wearing these real big panties? 24 A. Only after the fact. 25 Q. After the fact? 93 1 A. Yeah. I don't know many men who keep up with their daughter's underwear... this seems normal to me.
#4, RE: John in Atlanta - 7
Posted by jameson on Nov-03-03 at 01:11 PM
In response to message #3
93 2 Q. Our information that we developed 3 from the grand, well -- after the grand 4 jury, actually, were you unaware of any 5 incident where JonBenet had any accidents at 6 school where she would have to go into the 7 extra panty box that most grammar schools 8 keep for young kids? Do you have a memory 9 of an incident that is contrary to that? 10 A. At school? 11 Q. Yes. 12 A. No.What the hell kind of question is THIS!!! Q. Our information that we developed 3 from the grand, well -- after the grand 4 jury, actually, were you unaware of any 5 incident where JonBenet had any accidents at 6 school where she would have to go into the 7 extra panty box that most grammar schools 8 keep for young kids? Do you have a memory 9 of an incident that is contrary to that? Do you have a memory of an incident that is contrary to that?
This is insane!
#5, RE: John in Atlanta - 7
Posted by jameson on Nov-03-03 at 01:18 PM
In response to message #4
13 Q. (By Chief Beckner) Did you, the 14 night of the 25th, did you help undress 15 JonBenet? 16 A. I did. I think I was asked that 17 before, but I don't -- I mean, I at least 18 took her shoes off, I believe, later on. I 19 carried her upstairs, laid her in bed, took 20 her shoes off. I don't know if I took her 21 coat off. 22 Usually what I would do is try to 23 get her semi-ready for bed because it wasn't 24 infrequent she would fall to sleep when we 25 came home like that, before we got home. 94 1 Patsy would come in, get her in bed totally. 2 Q. I guess what I mean is, did you 3 notice at that time whether she was or was 4 not wearing underwear? 5 A. I mean, I think I would have 6 noticed if she wasn't. But I don't 7 remember. I really don't. 8 Q. Do you recall if you took her 9 underwear off? 10 A. No, I'm sure I did not. 11 MR. LEVIN: Mr. Wickman? 12 Questions? 13 MS. HARMER: Nothing. 14 MR. LEVIN: I think we are done. 15 MR. WOOD: All right. 16 MR. LEVIN: Thank you for talking 17 to us. 18 MR. BECKNER: Thank you for your 19 time. 20 THE WITNESS: You are welcome. 21 Thanks for coming out. 22 (Whereupon, the interview of JOHN 23 RAMSEY was concluded.) 24 . 25 . That's it, folks. While we were all waiting for those interviews to produce something that might help get the case solved, they were in there asking the wrong damn questions. Realize, K&C could have asked anything at all as long as they did not go over old ground - they had asked to get together in the spirit of sharing to discuss the case and ask questions that came up since the 1998 meetings. The Ramseys agreed to do that. They could have been bringing out tip sheets, crime scene photos and lab reports - - they could have talked about the information that came out in so many books. They could have asked more about people from John's work, from the pageant circuit. They could have asked about so many things - - and this is what they did. I really have something to attend to but wanted to finish up with John's interview. Tomorrow or Wednesday I will start with Patsy's. (Actually should have done hers first but... that's OK - we can all work with it.) OH, I hear Spade is posting the actual transcripts as well - - someone care to let me know where? I would like to see if they have been edited.
#6, No Kidding!
Posted by BraveHeart on Nov-03-03 at 01:28 PM
In response to message #4
Are you unaware? and if so, do you know of anything contrary to the fact of being unaware?Is this a standard police technique? BIBBBLLiiibbbbbbbblabbling sounds coming out of my mouth. Oh help me off the floor!
#7, RE: No Kidding!
Posted by Rainsong on Nov-03-03 at 02:54 PM
In response to message #6
Certainly the question was phrased in a contradictory manner! But--I have never heard of a school having a panty box. Anyone else? Rainsong
#8, RE: No Kidding!
Posted by one_eyed Jack on Nov-03-03 at 03:41 PM
In response to message #7
So far, it sounds like the LE investigators were the most interested in showing that the Ramsey foundation and investigation were for the purpose of creating an illusion of innocence. They seem to be offended that John had an independant investigation and that John was critical of the BPD. They were still focusing on the parents.I didn't realize the rumor that Jonbenet was wearing over-sized underwear was true. I don't believe the comment that the school had a panty box. I've never seen that. It's painful to read this transcript. So many lost opportunities to nail the killer.