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Forum Name: old depo and interview threads
Topic ID: 75
#0, John in Atlanta 2
Posted by jameson on Nov-01-03 at 10:21 PM
5 THE WITNESS: Well, I started to
6 talk about Dennis K****, which interested me
7 because this is a note from a guy in Boulder
8 who lived near K**** who apparently painted
9 our basement in either '95 or 1996. He's a
10 fairly dysfunctional fellow. I don't know if
11 you know his name or not.
12 Q. (By Chief Beckner) When you say
13 dysfunctional, what do you mean?
14 A. Well, I can give you copies of
15 these things, but he was wearing an ankle
16 monitor when he was painting our basement,
17 apparently. I don't know how this was
18 known, but obviously he was supposed to be
19 on a restricted duty.
20 MR. TRUJILLO: Mr. Ramsey, are
21 you speaking of Mr. K**** as the person who
22 painted your basement?
23 THE WITNESS: Yes, Dennis K****.
24 Do you know that name or --
25 MR. TRUJILLO: I would have to go

1 back and look.
2 THE WITNESS: But anyway, this is
3 one of those that had a connection, in our
4 house.
5 MR. BECKNER: And that is the
6 type of thing that is particularly of
7 interest to us are people who have had
8 connections, because obviously there are a
9 lot of people that are going to write on the
10 internet and send letters and things.
11 THE WITNESS: Right. Yeah. I
12 mentioned a wealthy friend I visited, da-dah,
13 da-dah, da-dah, and then K**** said, yeah, I
14 know some rich people. Who? The Ramseys.
15 He seemed to have some sort of grudge
16 against you which he wouldn't explain.
17 But -- and this was March 2000. So I can
18 give you a copy of that.
19 In terms of the stuff that I have
20 been keeping track of, that's probably the
21 most interesting.

Now I know the BORG will say the Ramseys were
"throwing people under the bus" - but they were doing what they needed to do - - sharing tips with the authorities.

And this should help some realize that the BORG are lying when they say the Ramseys were trying to pin this on the housekeeper, the Whites or anyone else. The Ramseys didn't know who did this and they never pretended they did.

#1, RE: John in Atlanta 2
Posted by jameson on Nov-01-03 at 10:26 PM
In response to message #0
22 This is Randy Simons. I don't
23 know if there is anything there.
24 This is a woman who believes that
25 her brother might have done it. And I

1 think -- I can give you this too, but I
2 think you guys know about it.
3 MR. KANE: Who is that?
4 THE WITNESS: Well, I don't know.
5 She didn't give me a name.
6 Q. (By Mr. Kane) Her, the name of
7 the brother?
8 A. She doesn't, but she has an
9 e-mail address. Well, this actually came from
10 Jamison, who I am sure you guys are
11 painfully aware of. But I think she had
12 been communicating with this woman, or this
13 person who is a woman.
14 We had another lady write us that
15 her ex-husband did it, but in talking to
16 her, we decided she was really a woman
17 scorned.
18 MR. WOOD: We had everybody back
19 from John Kennedy calling.
20 THE WITNESS: Yeah, it got really
21 bizarre in the end. That's the kind of
22 thing I've been looking for, and that's what
23 I've learned, yet one of those for every
24 hundred that really are not particularly
25 interesting.

Three more people in the Ramsey files - Randy Simons - the photographer we all know about - - and the woman he was talking about was the poster Debradear. I sent her accusations to the Ramsey investigator and let him follow up on it. The third one was apparently not considered a serious lead by the Ramsey camp. But the name was there anyway if the cops wanted it.

#2, RE: John in Atlanta 2
Posted by jameson on Nov-01-03 at 10:33 PM
In response to message #1

1 Michael Helgoth, I know we gave
2 you some boots, Hi-Tec boots, that from my
3 perspective looked like a perfect match to
4 the footprint.
5 We also know he has a stun gun
6 that was an AirTaser. We know he committed
7 suicide the day after Alex Hunter's speech
8 about we know who you are, we are going to
9 get you.
10 There is the another fellow, I
11 don't know his name, but I know Ollie has
12 been working on it that had a shrine of
13 JonBenet prior to '96.
14 MR. TRUJILLO: Mr. Ramsey, let me
15 jump back to Mr. Helgoth for a moment. You
16 said he had boots that you have seen. Have
17 you seen the boots?
18 THE WITNESS: I haven't seen the
19 boots. I saw a picture that Ollie had taken
20 earlier of the footprint compared to the
21 image of the bootprint.
22 Q. (By Mr. Trujillo) That is my
23 question, have you seen the actual crime
24 scene photograph of the boot print there?
25 A. No, no.

1 Q. What image have you seen?
2 MR. WOOD: That is a copy of it.
3 THE WITNESS: I don't know what
4 image I have seen, but it was on the
5 internet.
6 MR. TRUJILLO: Okay. I don't
7 know if this is the boot image of -- oh,
8 here it is, yes.
9 MR. WOOD: This is a copy.
10 MR. TRUJILLO: This is an image
11 off of the internet?
12 THE WITNESS: And yes, I don't
13 know --
14 MS. HARMER: And the internet,
15 the person who put it on the internet is
16 purporting it to be the actual footprint that
17 was found in the cellar?
18 THE WITNESS: Not necessarily.
19 His parents, Helgoth's parents finally turned
20 over his boots, which we turned over to you.
21 I don't know Helgoth. I don't know that
22 name. Whether or not there is any
23 significance there, I don't know.
24 MS. HARMER: I guess I am not
25 clear about where you got this image.

2 MR. WOOD: Ollie would be able to
3 tell us that.
4 THE WITNESS: Yeah, I don't know.
5 MR. WOOD: The image of the print
6 in the wine cellar.
7 MR. GRAY: I did that comparison
8 with glue.
9 THE WITNESS: But here is a guy
10 that ought to be looked at. I don't know
11 anything else about it, but he certainly
12 meets some of the factors that we find
13 interesting.
14 I still believe the September '97
15 incident is significant. I don't know what
16 you found on that, but that sent chills down
17 my spine when I read about that, heard about
18 that a month or two ago.
19 This person that has a shrine, I
20 think, had a cane, one of those candycanes
21 from my front yard in his home. I don't
22 know how he could have come by that after
23 the fact. It was secured December 25th.
24 Those are probably, in my mind,
25 the most interesting, substantial leads that

1 I had seen.

Here we see the police more interested in how the image of the bootprint got online than in the suspect who owned the boots the Ramseys were just turning over to be studied and compared.

Helgoth is discussed.

The Charlevoix incident where some uninvited guest slept in the Ramsey house is mentioned, Kane and company don't engage in any conversation but let it slide.

And we hear about yet another suspect who I will call "the Candy Cane Man" - he has been around a long time and I don't know if he is cleared - - but he did have a candy cane from the front of the house and it seems that candy cane was missing from the earliest crime scene images...

#3, RE: John in Atlanta 2
Posted by jameson on Nov-01-03 at 10:36 PM
In response to message #2
4 MR. WOOD: Before we go there,
5 Bruce, let me say to you, I turned over to
6 Ollie two expandables of stuff that I have
7 gotten for him to look at, including, you
8 may know this, Chief, but I got some really
9 long and detailed analysis of Fleet White's
10 letters compared to the ransom notes from a
11 lawyer in New York. Are you familiar with
12 it? You may not have gotten it yet.
13 MR. BECKNER: I don't believe so.
14 MR. WOOD: He will go through it
15 and get it all to you. I am trying to
16 keep up with it to go to Ollie. It is two
17 expandables of different tips on leads.
18 MR. BECKNER: What type of
19 analysis is it?
20 MR. WOOD: It's a linguistic
21 analysis of the public letters that Fleet
22 White and Priscilla White have written about
23 the case, and they have taken that and done
24 an analysis of the ransom note. So I am
25 not making any suggestions except to describe

1 it.

Do we have this analysis? I wonder if it wasn't a poster or lurker - would love to read it myself.

Clearly the Ramseys were trying to share with LE at this time - - they went to the meeting honestly expecting to brainstorm - - had to be some disapointment.

#4, RE: John in Atlanta 2
Posted by jameson on Nov-01-03 at 10:41 PM
In response to message #3
2 Q. (By Ms. Harmer) Mr. Ramsey, this
3 Dennis K**** that you brought up, the
4 painter, have your investigators contacted him
5 or done any follow-up that you are aware of?
6 A. I don't know of.
7 MR. GRAY: I beg your pardon?
8 MR. WOOD: Dennis K****, any
9 follow-up on K**** yet?
10 MR. GRAY: I don't know a K****.
11 MR. WOOD: The painter.
12 MR. GRAY: Uh-uh (negative).
13 MR. WOOD: Give that to Ollie.
14 MR. GRAY: There are a couple of
15 others we followed up on, but not him.

Understand, Ollie was working on this part time - sometimes with John Sanagustin - he couldn't get to all of the tips. Hopefully LE could.

#5, RE: John in Atlanta 2
Posted by jameson on Nov-01-03 at 10:43 PM
In response to message #4
16 MR. LEVIN: Mr. Ramsey, you
17 mentioned Dorothy Allison provided you with a
18 name? I missed it.
19 THE WITNESS: A woman who had
20 seen her on television provided us with a
21 name of a -- I said I can give you what
22 she sent, but I don't --
23 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Was that on the
24 list that you gave us, the name?
25 A. No, no.

#6, RE: John in Atlanta 2
Posted by jameson on Nov-01-03 at 10:49 PM
In response to message #5
1 Q. If I can change gears for just a
2 second, one of the things that you found
3 significant, and, obviously since you found
4 it significant, it was of great interest to
5 us, was the baseball bat, the second baseball
6 bat, aluminum bat.
7 And we have, through confidential
8 grand jury investigations, found that that
9 bat, that second bat was Burke's. Was there
10 anything else that you thought about,
11 assuming that is true?
12 A. Well, I never have seen the bat,
13 so -- and I think the best person to say
14 whether it was Burke's or not is to ask
15 Burke.
16 Q. Okay.
17 A. I don't know.
18 Q. That's it from your
19 perspective --
20 A. No, there was nothing else I know
21 about the bat.

I question anything Burke said in the grand jury room that is not part of his memory in earlier interviews. I don't know if they may have confused him in the GJ room, shown him the actual bat and jogged his memory OR simply been lying in Atlanta.

Seems to me that if they are going to tell the Ramseys "this is a fact and we have this testimony", they should show the transcript. JMO

#7, The Candy Cane Man?
Posted by Maikai on Nov-02-03 at 01:16 AM
In response to message #6
That's a new one...and he had a shrine before the murder of JBR? How did someone determine that? That's pretty strange----and why take one of the candy canes from the sidewalk?

I'm disappointed that Vodicka didn't come up in the questioning.

#8, RE: The Candy Cane Man?
Posted by Margoo on Nov-02-03 at 02:13 AM
In response to message #7
LAST EDITED ON Nov-02-03 AT 02:18 AM (EST)
I don't know how my "Risk Taker" post got on this thread - deleted it and posted it where it belongs. (Weird!)

#9, Internet leads......
Posted by Maikai on Nov-02-03 at 09:44 AM
In response to message #8
I am surprised to hear that many of them were considered, like Debradear.

This Dennis K guy----and the ankle bracelet! Another interesting one. A lot of people went through that house at one time or another.

#10, Candy Cane Photo
Posted by Maikai on Nov-02-03 at 09:50 AM
In response to message #9
Does anyone have a link to a photo showing the candy canes along the front walk of the house on 12/26/96?

#11, RE: Candy Cane Photo
Posted by Margoo on Nov-02-03 at 01:42 PM
In response to message #10
11 THE WITNESS: Right. Yeah. I
12 mentioned a wealthy friend I visited, da-dah,
13 da-dah, da-dah, and then K**** said, yeah, I
14 know some rich people. Who? The Ramseys.
15 He seemed to have some sort of grudge
16 against you which he wouldn't explain.
17 But -- and this was March 2000. So I can
18 give you a copy of that.
19 In terms of the stuff that I have
20 been keeping track of, that's probably the
21 most interesting.

I am having trouble interpreting this.

Is John saying he spoke directly with Dennis K****???? or with someone (else) named K***?

"He seemed to have some sort of grudge against **you** which he wouldn't explain." (??????) This statement is confusing. Can anyone clear the fog?

#12, RE: Candy Cane Photo
Posted by jameson on Nov-02-03 at 05:08 PM
In response to message #11
>11 THE WITNESS: Right. Yeah. I
>12 mentioned a wealthy friend I visited, da-dah,
>13 da-dah, da-dah, and then K**** said, yeah, I
>14 know some rich people. Who? The Ramseys.
>15 He seemed to have some sort of grudge
>16 against you which he wouldn't explain.
>17 But -- and this was March 2000. So I can
>18 give you a copy of that.
>19 In terms of the stuff that I have
>20 been keeping track of, that's probably the
>21 most interesting.
>I am having trouble interpreting this.
>Is John saying he spoke directly with Dennis K****???? or
>with someone (else) named K***?

>"He seemed to have some sort of grudge against **you** which
>he wouldn't explain." (??????) This statement is
>confusing. Can anyone clear the fog?

I think John was reading from a letter he was sent - someone was telling John about a conversation he had with Dennis.

#13, RE: Candy Cane Photo
Posted by Margoo on Nov-03-03 at 01:34 AM
In response to message #12
The fog is clearing. Thanks, Jameson.

#14, RE: Candy Cane Photo
Posted by jameson on Nov-04-03 at 08:04 AM
In response to message #13
I don't know if there was a candy cane missing beforethe 911 call - - just can't tell but it must be possible because I do know some investigators were interested in this one.

The man had the candy cane and I believe he told someone about it - - maybe even showed it to a person who called it in.

There were a few with "shrines" as i recall.

There were a few Boulder strange ones who has visions of JonBenét after the murder - - I hope they were checked out too.