#0, Thomas depo part 5 - 3 suspects
Posted by jameson on May-16-03 at 05:49 PM
VIDEO TECHNICIAN: The time is 11:15. We're back on the record. This is the beginning of tape
two. Q. (BY MR. WOOD) I think you told me this, but I want to make sure so we don't leave here with
any confusion on this point. Do you know whether the DNA of Chris Wolf was ever tested by law
enforcement authorities?
A. Once again, no, I don't have personal knowledge of that.
Q. Thank you. Do you have any knowledge, and I'm including not personal but secondhand, but did
you ever hear anything about whether his DNA was tested from anyone, doesn't have to be personal
knowledge to you, did you ever get it hearsay or otherwise that his DNA had been tested?
A. No, as I sit here right now, Mr. Wood, yeah, I don't have any recollection of any of --
conversation about Mr. Wolf's DNA testing.
Q. And I take it from what you've told me, you would have no idea why Tom Wickman might have
contacted Chris Wolf in 1999 asking him at the time that Wolf lived in New Orleans, asking him to
come by the Boulder Police Department on his next visit to Boulder; you would have no knowledge
about that, would you?
A. What was the time period?
Q. 1999.
A. No. No, of course not.
Q. Was in fact Chris Wolf investigated in any fashion by the Boulder Police Department in
connection with the murder of Susannah Chase?
A. I believe so, yes.
Q. Was he a suspect in this case?
A. Courtesy of Jackie Dilson, I believe so.
Q. And was he cleared with respect to the Susannah Chase murder?
A. Again, I believe so.
Q. Do you know why or on what basis he was cleared?
A. No.
Q. Did you ever get any hearsay from any of the detectives about what basis they relied on in
clearing Chris Wolf in either the Susannah Chase murder or the JonBenet Ramsey murder?
A. For some reason, and I don't know why this stands out, that Yamaguchi, the detective who led
the Chase murder, I believe, I think they had DNA evidence in that case.
Q. How about with the JonBenet Ramsey case, any hearsay as to what he -- the basis upon which
he was allegedly cleared?
A. No. If I'm answering the same question, yeah.
Q. Just trying to make sure I've got your answer down. You don't -- you didn't hear from a hearsay
standpoint, you didn't get anything from any of the detectives about the basis upon which he was
allegedly cleared by the department, right?
A. No, other than relying on Weinheimer's clearance of him.
Q. The statement that he is cleared?
A. Right.
Q. But you don't know why --
A. Right.
Q. -- or any basis, right?
A. That's correct.
Q. Secondhand or otherwise, correct?
A. Yes.
Q. Now, you do know that after the Boulder Police Department had investigated Mr. Wolf, that the
district attorney's office was still actively investigating an intruder theory and that Fleet White, Bill
McReynolds and Chris Wolf were on the top of their suspect list. You do know that to be true, don't
you, sir?
A. Yes.
Q. And that would have been in 1998?
A. As to when the DA's office was conducting this investigation?
Q. Yes.
A. They were doing a lot of things we were entirely unaware of. But if you're telling me they were
doing that in 1998, I won't contest it.
Q. Well, what you do know is that the Boulder Police Department investigated Chris Wolf as a
suspect and you know that even after the Boulder Police Department had investigated him that the
Boulder district attorney's office was still investigating Chris Wolf as a suspect and that he was, along
with Fleet White and Bill McReynolds, on the top of the DA's list?
MR. DIAMOND: Just for clarification, after the Boulder Police Department cleared him?
MR. WOOD: Yeah.
A. No, I don't know that time line. Certainly the DA investigators would but there was a period in
here where there -- this was not a hand-in- glove fit and there was not a lot of communication being
Q. (BY MR. WOOD) Timing aside, we can get clear agreement that Chris Wolf was from your
knowledge not only a suspect for the Boulder Police Department, but at the top of the list, along with
McReynolds and Fleet White, of the suspect list of the Boulder district attorney's office in its
investigation, true?
A. Certainly seemed to be.
Q. And that was your understanding and knowledge, right?
A. That they were still interested in those parties, yes.
Q. That Mr. Wolf was on the top of their suspect list, along with McReynolds and Fleet White?
A. That was my impression.
Q. And knowledge, I mean not just impression, you knew that as being a fact, didn't you?
A. Yeah, they were still investigating those three individuals.
#1, RE: Thomas depo part 5 - 3 suspects
Posted by jameson on May-16-03 at 05:51 PM
In response to message #0
Feel free to comment on any of these threads - - I will post the entire thing separate later.
#2, RE: Thomas depo part 5 - 3 suspects
Posted by Tricky Woo on May-16-03 at 09:07 PM
In response to message #1
This depo has just validated discussion of Fleet White as a suspect. Santa's been eliminated, as has Wolf, right? So that leaves--Fleet. Simple arithmetic.
#3, RE: Thomas depo part 5 - 3 suspects
Posted by jameson on May-16-03 at 09:21 PM
In response to message #2
It proves that Fleet was considered a suspect - - nothing more.
#4, Jameson
Posted by why_nut on May-16-03 at 10:59 PM
In response to message #3
It proves that Fleet was considered a suspect - - nothing more.So much for the premise that only the Ramseys were ever truly considered suspects.
#5, Fleet one of top 3 suspects?
Posted by daylily on May-17-03 at 03:52 AM
In response to message #4
What the heck? Weren't the Whites at home that night? Didn't Fleet have a solid alibi that would have eliminated him as a suspect, within days of the murder? Throughout the years, we've all heard quite a bit about Bill McReynolds and Chris Wolf as potential suspects. While we may not have known that they were two of the top three intruder suspects, we've certainly heard that they were investigated. Plus we've heard reasons, lots of them, why they were considered suspects. So how come we've never heard much about Fleet White as a potential suspect, and even less in the way of reasons why he'd be considered a suspect? Interesting to me that in all the years since the murder, this is the first time I've heard anything official that White was EVER considered a serious suspect, much less one of the TOP THREE intruder suspects.
When did Steve Thomas leave the BPD? Wasn't that in 1998? According to this depo, White was one of the primary three intruder suspects at the time of Thomas' departure. Theoretically, Thomas was out of the investigative loop after that, so who knows if or when White was removed from the intruder suspect list since that time?
To think that all I've ever heard is the rumor that White had been cleared. Didn't he demand at one time that he should be cleared? When was that? Apparently, at least as of 1998, he wasn't anywhere close to being cleared.
Jameson, do you know anything about this? I've never heard you talk much about Fleet White as a suspect. Frankly, I'm a little surprised, considering that you've been quite willing to discuss many, many other people. And here, White was one of Boulder's top three intruder suspects, at least as of 1998. Did you even know this? Do you happen to know whether his status as a potential suspect has been discounted since that time? If so, please put this matter to rest. I'd sincerely appreciate your sharing your thoughts on this surprising revelation.
#7, RE: Fleet one of top 3 suspects?
Posted by jameson on May-17-03 at 12:42 PM
In response to message #5
>When did Steve Thomas leave the BPD? Wasn't that in 1998?
August 6th, 1998 - - JonBenét's birthday.>According to this depo, White was one of the primary three
>intruder suspects at the time of Thomas' departure.
>Theoretically, Thomas was out of the investigative loop
>after that, so who knows if or when White was removed from
>the intruder suspect list since that time?
or if he has. Personally I don't like him as a suspect but I have never heard anyone say he was cleared. The press release said he wasn't considered a suspect at that time but a witness. Never said that he was cleared by any means.
>Jameson, do you know anything about this? I've never heard
>you talk much about Fleet White as a suspect. Frankly, I'm
>a little surprised, considering that you've been quite
>willing to discuss many, many other people. And here, White
>was one of Boulder's top three intruder suspects, at least
>as of 1998. Did you even know this? Do you happen to know
>whether his status as a potential suspect has been
>discounted since that time? If so, please put this matter
>to rest. I'd sincerely appreciate your sharing your
>thoughts on this surprising revelation.
I think I just said it all. He certainly was a reasonable suspect. I haven't heard that he was cleared for good reason (alibi, DNA, handwriting) but I think he is totally innocent here. That is my personal opinion and the reason I haven't discussed him as a suspect. I don't suspect him.
#8, RE: Fleet one of top 3 suspects?
Posted by Tricky Woo on May-17-03 at 01:16 PM
In response to message #7
Jameson, you can express your fair and openminded attitude toward Fleet till hell freezes over and he will never agree to speak here, or I'll eat my hat and crow pie, too.
#12, Tricky woo
Posted by jameson on May-17-03 at 03:58 PM
In response to message #8
I think he is writing a book and doesn't want to talk publicly - not on case - I think he figures that will make his story more valuable.That is my honest assessment of his (carefully orchestrated) silence.
He sure isn't doing it for JonBenét or justice.
#6, RE: Jameson
Posted by Breccia on May-17-03 at 04:17 AM
In response to message #4
LAST EDITED ON May-17-03 AT 04:22 AM (EST)
The deposition states :Fleet White, Bill McReynolds and Chris Wolf were on the top of their (the District Attorney's Office's) suspect list.
Not The Boulder Police Department's suspect list, as far as McReynolds and White are concerned.
#9, RE: Jameson
Posted by Sparrow on May-17-03 at 01:21 PM
In response to message #6
This explains so much to the public about "why" Fleet and the Mc's started a letter writing campaign to remove the DA from the case. They called for the removal of the DA team that was busy shining a bright, probing light on THEM as suspects. They enlisted the help of the Governor, and it worked. A special prosecutor was brought in, but there was no indictment. There is credible evidence of an intruder, and the investigation is moving forward. Now, there is another online "petition" against Mary Keenan & Lou Smit. In his book, Steve Thomas wrote that the final straw in his decision to quit was because the DA was hot on the trail of Mc Santa. He's quite presumptuous for a first time homicide detective. Nobody was safe from his arrogant attitude including the Chief of Police, DA, Lou Smit, Mayor Greenlee, witnesses, and most of all…the victims grieving family.
#10, Curious indeed
Posted by daylily on May-17-03 at 02:56 PM
In response to message #6
Based on the things I think I know about the circumstances surrounding the murder, I personally think it's a stretch to imagine Fleet White as a viable suspect. But apparently, there must have been a reason why the Boulder "intruder team" not only put him on their list, but placed him right up there in the top three--even as late as 1998. I wonder what on earth he did--or didn't do--that made authorities suspicious enough to include him as one of the three most likely intruder killers. With the other two on the list, McReynolds and Wolf, at least we've heard a few reasons why they might have been suspected. McReynolds, who made himself available to children via his Santa alter-ego, was seemingly bedazzled by JonBenet, saying he had met "an angel." He even had carried her gift of gold dust with him when he underwent major surgery. He kept a harp with the names of children he had met throughout the years who had passed away. His own daughter had been kidnapped and molested on December 26 a few years prior to the murder. His wife had written a play about a child being kidnapped, murdered and left in a basement. Then there was a Ramsey family friend's claim that JonBenet told her on Christmas Eve that "Santa Claus" had promised JonBenet a POST-Christmas visit.
There were also many reasons to consider Chris Wolf as a suspect. His then girlfriend reportedly told police just after the murder that Wolf had disappeared the night JonBenet was killed. She told police Wolf was wearing a tennis club-style sweatshirt, which said "Santa Barbara." She wondered if SBTC stood for "Santa Barbara Tennis Club." She awoke in the early morning hours of Dec. 26 to find Wolf with mud on both the Santa Barbara sweatshirt and his jeans. When she asked where he'd been, he grew angry with her. She said she saw a package of cord on his dresser. She said Wolf often expressed hostility when talking about John Ramsey and Access Graphics' parent company, Lockheed Martin, which he believed was responsible for exploiting third-world countries. Wolf worked as a reporter for the Boulder County Business Report at the time of JonBenet's murder. Police had found an issue of the newspaper in the Ramsey house, which featured a story about John Ramsey. There was a heart drawn around Ramsey's picture--which the Ramseys claim to know nothing about--and on the inside of the issue was a separate story written by Wolf.
Now we hear that Fleet White was right up there with McReynolds and Wolf as a possible intruder killer. Isn't anyone else out there as surprised about this as I am? Why is it that we've heard so much about McReynolds and Wolf throughout the years, not only that they were suspects, but also all the reasons WHY they were suspects, and yet we've heard nothing of the sort about Fleet White? Not one leak. Very strange, if you ask me.
Jameson, you said:
"He certainly was a reasonable suspect. I haven't heard that he was cleared for good reason (alibi, DNA, handwriting) but I think he is totally innocent here. That is my personal opinion and the reason I haven't discussed him as a suspect. I don't suspect him."
Just wondering why you don't. White was among the top three intruder suspects, two of whom you've frequently discussed on your forum as viable suspects. You also say you haven't heard that White was cleared on the basis of alibi, DNA or handwriting. Yet you say that you think he is totally innocent and don't suspect him. Just curious why you give him a pass while you don't seem to do so for others who also haven't been cleared.
Also, jameson, do you you have any idea why, throughout the years since the murder, we've been privy to all kinds of details on why McReynolds and Wolf were considered suspects, but nothing at all about Fleet White? I mean, outside of vague innuendoes, I've never heard that White was ever seriously considered as an intruder suspect, much less one of the top three. Now that I hear he was, I'm wondering why. Maybe you know the answer.
#11, daylilly
Posted by Guppy on May-17-03 at 03:25 PM
In response to message #10
Maybe I can help.FW was a suspect because his behavior changed immediately after the murder, and he was showing violent tendencies. Alex Hunter himself said FW was acting too weird to be cleared.
#13, RE: daylilly
Posted by Margoo on May-17-03 at 04:09 PM
In response to message #11
But apparently, there must have been a reason why the Boulder "intruder team" not only put him on their list, but placed him right up there in the top three--even as late as 1998.---
I'm not quite sure what you mean by the Boulder "intruder team", but while I believe that Lou Smit was certainly developing his intruder theory on the basis of evidence, I don't necessarily believe he had the Whites in his sights or had narrowed his focus to three suspects.
#14, RE: daylilly
Posted by Margoo on May-17-03 at 04:12 PM
In response to message #13
His own daughter had been kidnapped and molested on December 26 a few years prior to the murder.That was more than a few years prior - it was 20 years prior.
#15, Daylily
Posted by jameson on May-17-03 at 04:24 PM
In response to message #10
LAST EDITED ON May-17-03 AT 04:24 PM (EST)
>Jameson, you said:
>Just curious why you give him a pass while you don't seem to do so for others who also haven't been cleared.
>Also, jameson, do you you have any idea why, throughout the
>years since the murder, we've been privy to all kinds of
>details on why McReynolds and Wolf were considered suspects,
>but nothing at all about Fleet White? I mean, outside of
>vague innuendoes, I've never heard that White was ever
>seriously considered as an intruder suspect, much less one
>of the top three. Now that I hear he was, I'm wondering
>why. Maybe you know the answer. I am going to address your second paragraph first...
We have heard plenty of details on why Fleet (and/or Priscilla) may be a reasonable "suspect".
(I am going to talk Fleet because the unmatched DNA is male.)
He knew the family, had spent time in the house, had been with the child that day - - so any evidence of him in the house or on JBR could be innocent - or not.
It seems the Whites were not as wealthy as the Ramseys - may have been some jealousy there. While in the house he could have seen a paystub with that bonus amount. Could have been an issue that no one saw.
His daughter had disappeared for a time, was in the house, maybe "hiding". His son had been approached by someone at an earlier time, an incident not public but interesting.
Nancy Krebs was pointing to him. Big time. As a sadistic pedophile.
There reported to be missing time in his history - - where was he? In jail? In a locked ward? No one seems to know. Could be innocent but when you are working on a mystery, secrets look bad.
I don't know that those were the "top three" suspects - - just that they were three. There have been many more reasonable suspects out there over the past 6 years - - most have never had their names in print but they exist.
Why do I give Fleet a pass?
I have met people who really like him as a suspect and I have listened to them, to their theories and evidence - - and all I can say is that it is a giant leap to put Fleet in the basement with a garrote based on what they tell me. The "evidence" isn't there - - they just have theory.
I also have heard from the Ramseys themselves about Fleet and Priscilla - personal conversations and watching them talk on tape about the people who used to be their friends. I will not repeat what I remember of the conversations, but I came away wishing I could sit with Fleet White to just talk.
I think Steve Thomas and others played head games and people got hurt who should have been treated far differently.
I constantly reach out to learn all I can. And I form opinions.
Would I swear Fleet is innocent? No - - I couldn't do that.
I would (perhaps) be MORE supportive of him if I had met him, spoke to him. But maybe not.
Still, based on the facts I have, I think he is probably another innocent victim here. A jerk, perhaps, maybe not (I don't know why he did what he did, would love to knowthat story.)
So I don't stop others from suspecting him or discussing him as a suspect - - - I certainly repeatedly discount the press release "clearing him" - - but I won't write a FDI theory as I think the evidence points elsewhere.
JMO - to be sure.
#16, RE: Daylily
Posted by Tricky Woo on May-17-03 at 07:17 PM
In response to message #15
A poster on another forum discovered a compelling possible explanation for SBTC and 118,000. Fleet won sail races while a member of the Newport Yacht Club in Newport Beach CA. Captains are always given the longitude with which to begin the race and Newport's is almost exactly 118.00.00. Longitude is written that way, with places for hours, minutes and seconds, and the figure in the RN was written $118,00.00. None of the other amounts were written with zeros for cents. That is also the longitude of where Nancy's family lived and her rape trial.At the end of races, captains must sign Certificate of Compliances, and part of the wording is S igned B y T he C aptain--S.B.T.C. Some certifcates refer to the "skipper" instead of "captain" and JR may have used those. Many certificates contain key words from the RN--execute, instructions and deviation.
This is the best explanation I've seen for those parts of the RN.
#17, 118,000
Posted by Mikie on May-17-03 at 08:31 PM
In response to message #16
LAST EDITED ON May-17-03 AT 08:57 PM (EST)
Astrology charts use longitude and latitude for place of birth. I thought Nancy was in Ojai California, which is at 119w15, 34n27. The 118,000 location could be interpreted as 118 w long and 000 lat (equator). The longitude is close but the latitude is far off. edit: Newport Beach, CA is located at 117w56, 33n37
Almost 118 longitude exactly. Maybe the precise location of the home where Nancy was attacked is 118w00'00" 118 degrees,zero minutes, zero seconds.
The location of 118.00.00 is Huntington Beach if you are at the Pacific Coast. Actually that line runs northward through Los Angeles and of course the states of California, Nevada, Oregon and Washington.
#18, RE: 118,000.00
Posted by Evening2 on May-17-03 at 09:24 PM
In response to message #17
Some of the suspects lived in a rural area whose address might have been in metes and bounds. It would be interesting to check these out.
#19, RE: 118,000
Posted by Tricky Woo on May-17-03 at 10:30 PM
In response to message #17
I think Nancy's family lived in Trona at the time of the rapes by her step uncle.
#20, on McReynolds
Posted by jameson on May-17-03 at 10:33 PM
In response to message #19
Q. Page 113. Next to the last paragraph "Additional information he shared with us at the interview,
which we were later able to confirm, further eliminated him." What are you referring to in terms of the
additional information? MR. DIAMOND: Can I, give me a second, please, to get the context?
MR. WOOD: Bill McReynolds.
THE DEPONENT: Chuck, I need to prior to this answer just 60 seconds to ask you a question.
MR. WOOD: Go off the record.
VIDEO TECHNICIAN: The time is 4:07. We're going off the record. This is the end of tape three.
(Recess taken from 4:07 p.m. to 4:09 p.m.)
VIDEO TECHNICIAN: The time is 4:10. We're on the record. This the
Q. Yeah, he did. Did you ever see the letter that he had sent to Patsy before his surgery where he
talked about how much he enjoyed JonBenet giving him a tour of the house and giving him a special
present in the basement of the house a year before, Christmas of 1995; did you ever see that letter?
A. I'm not sure I ever saw a letter like that.
Q. Do you deny seeing a letter like that?
A. I'm telling you if the Ramseys had wished to share that with us, I certainly would have looked at it
but, as I sit --
Q. Are you saying they didn't?
A. -- as I sit here right now I don't recall that letter.
Q. Analysis proved that Santa Bill didn't write the ransom note. Was he in the elimination category
from CBI?
A. Again, if you want to go back to that, he was not under consideration. Whether that was
elimination or no evidence to indicate, it was my understanding from Trujillo that McReynolds was not a
candidate as the ransom note author.
Q. How many different examiners looked at his handwriting?
A. I think it was just Chet Ubowski at CBI.
Q. How about Jessie McReynolds, did he fall under the category as John Ramsey did of elimination
as the author?
A. Same in the interest of your time, same answer as for Bill McReynolds.
Q. Again, I guess in the interest of my time, thank you for your concern. When we use the term
elimination, you claim not to understand what that means from the CBI and other handwriting experts;
is that what you're telling me? Because I'm trying to find out if you've got a report where a CBI
person, in this instance Mr. Ubowski I assume, said based on his review of exemplars in the ransom
note he was able to eliminate Bill McReynolds as an author of the note. That's what I want to know
whether that was done in this case or not. Was it done or not is my question?
A. And I'm not real sure of your question, but as far as elimination or no evidence to indicate, I
believe Santa Bill and his son fell into that category.
Q. But there were examiners that said there was no evidence to indicate that Patsy was the author
of the note, true?
A. The same examiner who also said that didn't disqualify her as possibly being the author of the
Q. Nor would it disqualify Bill McReynolds in and of itself, true?
A. I think it was different examiners and I don't know the standards of their professional
Q. You have seen the -- I'm sure you watched some of the appearances by Alex Hunter when he
went out on the media, didn't you?
A. I did.
Q. You've heard Alex Hunter say that the handwriting experts in this case in fact put Patsy Ramsey
somewhere around a 4.5 on a one to five scale, five being elimination. You heard district attorney
Hunter make that statement, didn't you?
A. Not only did I not hear him make that statement, District Attorney Hunter I never know what to
believe when he speaks.
Q. You don't like Alex Hunter, do you?
A. No, sir.
#21, RE: 118,000
Posted by Mikie on May-17-03 at 10:51 PM
In response to message #19
>I think Nancy's family lived in Trona at the time of the
>rapes by her step uncle. Trona is at 117w22, or 117.22.longitude, per astrology charting.
Bishop is 118.24
#22, RE: 118,000
Posted by Smokey on May-17-03 at 10:58 PM
In response to message #21
Fascinating info, Mikey and Trickey Woo. An axis of evil....?
#23, RE: 118,000
Posted by Tricky Woo on May-17-03 at 11:03 PM
In response to message #21
Quite a coincidence, wouldn't you say?John and Fleet's big shared activity was sailing. I doubt if the 118,00.00 figure would have jumped out at John because he didn't sail from Newport Beach. I wonder if Fleet ever brought up the eerie parallel (pun intended) with Steve over cappucino, lol? When there was a lull in the conversation about the evil Alex hunter, that is.
#24, RE: 118,000
Posted by Smokey on May-17-03 at 11:42 PM
In response to message #23
If you want to talk coincidence, how about the ransom note hypothetically referring to keywords in a sailboat race, hypothetically written by someone named FLEET.
#25, RE: 118,000
Posted by Tricky Woo on May-18-03 at 01:11 AM
In response to message #24
LOL. Not to mention the sailor's knot in the garotte.
#26, Thanks
Posted by daylily on May-18-03 at 10:53 AM
In response to message #25
Thanks, Jameson, for taking the time to answer my questions. One thing--I'm pretty sure Nancy Krebs emerged after 1998, so she wasn't a factor at that time in putting Fleet on the suspect list. Maybe the reasons you've listed are reason enough to put him there, but to me, there should have been more. (Maybe there was?) I also don't understand why he apparently didn't have a rock-solid alibi. Wasn't there a houseful of guests in his house who could testify to his whereabouts? At any rate, I agree, it would be really nice to hear from White himself.
#27, RE: Thanks
Posted by jameson on May-18-03 at 12:10 PM
In response to message #26
Fleet had a house full of guests - - who also had to be suspected. Both as suspects and as possible accomplices after the fact.Priscilla was up late that night visiting with her sister - Fleet's alibi is that he was in bed alone. They lived near the Ramseys so... the theory is he could have snuck out, but I don't see it happening.
If he went over there late at night, he didn't have time to write the note....
If he planned this SO well and stole the paper days before and wrote the note before..... did he have time alone to write the note? Why no evidence of it being folded, how did he carry it? Did it look like it could have been rolled up? I doubt that since Patsy found it lying flat. And why not ask for a million? Or did he know he wasn't really there for any ransom? Was it premeditated to do what he did? If he is that sick, how could he go undetected for so long?
Could this have been planned to be SO confusing? If so, the killer was good - - REAL good!
#28, RE: Thanks
Posted by Mame on May-18-03 at 12:15 PM
In response to message #27
Lou Smit believes the note may well have been written prior to the murder.I say they compare the handwriting to Nyla White's handwriting. That might be rather interesting.
#29, RE: Thanks
Posted by Tricky Woo on May-18-03 at 01:12 PM
In response to message #28
I doubt the geniuses at BPD even confirmed whether she was actually in the hospital or not. Sorting out her hospitalization and meds were supposed to be the reason that Fleet called 911 on the 23rd.
#30, RE: Thanks
Posted by jameson on May-18-03 at 01:46 PM
In response to message #29
Lou believes as I do - that the killer was in the house before the Ramseys got home and wrote the note then. The killer could have taken the pad and pen away earlier - but let's face it - - there's no proof of that.
#31, fatcat
Posted by Ashley on May-18-03 at 02:13 PM
In response to message #30
When John was asked who, if anyone, had he heard use the term "fatcat" he said: Priscilla White.Another coincidence? Doesn't sound like he had much an alibi. If he had already written thenote on the pad that he was seen taking from their home, he could have snuck in after the lights were out.
He was only a quick drive or walk?? from his house to the Ramsey's.
#32, RE: fatcat
Posted by Ashley on May-18-03 at 02:18 PM
In response to message #31
I just thought of something. What if the killer had hidden that bag under the bed prior to the 26th and when he pulled it out the bed ruffle was disturbed. He may have had all his tools already in place, including the note...knowing that no one would look under JAR bed.
#33, RE: fatcat
Posted by Ashley on May-18-03 at 02:23 PM
In response to message #32
jams, I have an answer as to how he could have gone undetected for so loooong... are you forgetting who the cops were? LOL!If he's of a narrsastic (sp?) character he could easily fool anyone into believeing he's a nice guy.
Same thing with Peterson, he fooled his wife for years. If he is, indeed the killer, kind of looks that way to me.
#34, RE: Thanks
Posted by Mame on May-18-03 at 02:27 PM
In response to message #30
I don't think Lou limits the time frame in which the note was written. From what I remember, he feels it's possible to have been written prior to coming to the house...or, while in the house.
#35, on Santa
Posted by jameson on May-18-03 at 07:55 PM
In response to message #34
Q. Do you agree that you all investigated the hell out of Bill McReynolds? A. Bill McReynolds was, yes, very scrutinized in this investigation, not just by us but I believe by the
DA's people as well.
#36, RE: Fleet
Posted by Sunshine on May-18-03 at 11:37 PM
In response to message #35
Well, looks like we got this one figured out. Anyone want to clue in the BPD?